In the name of God Amen; the seven and twentieth day of February in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred forty and nine, I JAMES WINCH of Newtowne in the County of Southton gent being sick of body but of perfect memory thanks be therefore given to Almighty God, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following; and I do hereby revoke and disannul all and every former will and testament by me at any time heretofore made; that is to say: first I commit my soul into the merciful hands of Almighty God; and my body to Christian burial hoping through the merits of Jesus Christ to have a joyful resurrection of my body and soul and eternal life amongst the best people of God. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my wife MAUDE WINCH during her natural life my house backside and garden with the appurtenances that Henry Frewin of Reading in the County of Berks does now hold of me by lease for certain years yet to come which house backside and garden are situate and being in Fryer Street in Reading aforesaid; and after the decease of my said wife I give and bequeath the same house backside and garden with the appurtenances unto my son RICHARD WINCH and his heirs forever. ITEM; I give and bequeath to my said wife during her natural life my house backside with the appurtenances situate and being in Newtowne aforesaid and after her decease I give and bequeath the same house backside and garden with the appurtenances unto my daughter ANN ELDRIDGE during her natural life; and after the decease of my said daughter I give and bequeath the same house backside and garden with the appurtenances unto my said son Richard and his heirs forever; and my will is that if my said daughter does not make use of the said house to live in it herself then my said son Richard shall have the same house backside and garden with the appurtenances from and after the decease of my said wife paying therefore yearly and every year unto my said daughter Ann during her natural life the sum of forty shillings; and further my will is that if my said daughter Ann shall dislike or refuse to receive the said forty shillings yearly in case she does not live in the said house herself as aforesaid, then she shall have five pounds only in lieu of the said house and backside and garden to be paid her by my said son Richard Winch. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my said son Richard Winch my lease and term of years that are to come and unexpired of and in a certain messuage and lands lying in the parish of Whitchurch in the county of Berks; and my will is that my said son Richard shall pay out of the profits thereof unto John White of Sandleford in the said county of Berks the sum of twenty shillings every half year during the term of my said lease if my daughter ALICE GILES shall so long live. ITEM; I give to my son JAMES WINCH five pounds to be paid unto him by my executors within half a year next after my wife’s decease. ITEM; I give to my two sons WILLIAM WINCH and GEORGE WINCH forty shillings apiece to be paid to them within half a year next after my wife’s decease. ITEM; I give unto my said son George my best suit and coat and all the rest of my wearing apparel I give to my said son William Winch. ITEM; I give to my son JOHN WINCH the sum of four pounds to be paid by my said son Richard Winch out of the profits of the said messuage and lands lying in the parish of Whitchurch aforesaid at the end of one year after my decease if my said son Richard shall so long enjoy the same. ITEM; I give to my daughter CATHERINE CATES four marks to be paid unto her at the end of one year next after my wife’s decease. ITEM; I give to my Grandchild REBECCA GILES my bedstead and bed that my wife now elects to lie upon and all things belonging to the said bedstead and bed to be delivered to my said grandchild after my wife’s deceaseand my wife to have use of it in the meantime. ITEM; I give to my said wife all my household goods to be used by her during her life without any wilful embezzlement or waste; and after her decease I give and bequeath the same unto my said son Richard Winch whom I make and ordain sole executor of this my last will and testament; and I do desire my loving brother in law LAWRENCE HALSTED of Sunninge in the County of berks Esq to be overseer of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal and have published and declared the same to be my last will and testament in the presence of these witnesses whose names are hereunder written the day and year first above mentioned. And I do further declare that it shall be lawful for my son Richard Winch to have hold and enjoy my house backside and gardens with the appurtenances which I have given unto my daughter Ann Eldridge for her life paying no rent for the same until she shall declare herself ready immediately to dwell in it or to accept of forty shillings a year until she shall be ready to dwell in it or of the said sum of five pounds for her whole right. My true intent and meaning being that she shall not let the same or any part or parcel thereof at any time to any person or persons other than the said Richard nor for more than forty shillings a year – James Winch – declared published sealed and subscribed by the said James Winch for his last will and testament in the presence of Francis Edwards clerke and notary public, John White, (the mark of) Alice Fuller
Proved 14th May 1650 by Richard Winch son and executor
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