In the name of God Amen; the seventeenth day of December in the year of our Lord God according to the computation of the Church of England one thousand six hundred forty and seven, I WILLIAM WINCHE of Binfield in the county of Berks yeoman being whole and perfect in mind and of good remembrance (thanks be to god therefore) do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to say); first and principally I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty god and my body to Christian burial. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto ten poor people of the parish of Binfield twelve pence apiece; and to ten poor of the town and (sic) Wokingham twelve pence apiece to be paid to such as have most need at the discretion of my executrix upon the Feast day of All Saints next after my decease. ITEM; I will and my true intent and meaning is that JOANE WINCH my wife shall have hold and enjoy all my messuages lands tenements and hereditaments situate lying and being in the parish of Benfeild aforesaid and the rents issues and profits thereof receive and take to her own use during the term of one whole year next after my decease and after the end and expiration of the said year I then give and devise unto the said Joane Winch my wife all that my messuage or tenement in which I now dwell situate at Benfeild aforesaid and also all houses buildings orchards gardens backsides and two closes of land thereunto adjoining and belonging containing by estimation six acres; and also all that my Pidle of land lying in Benfeild aforesaid called Cowels Pidle adjoining to a close called Gassons on the South and East part containing by estimation three roodes; and also all that my mead and parcel of meadow ground called Downe Mead containing by estimation two acres and a half lying in Benfeild aforesaid and adjoining to Broad Mead there on the East part to have and to hold the said messuage or tenement houses orchards closes pidle and mead with their appurtenances unto the said Joane Winch my wife and to the heirs of her body lawfully to be begotten; and for default of such issue I then give and devise the same messuage or tenement houses orchards closes pidle and mead with their appurtenances unto ELIZABETH SWAYNE my kinswoman the daughter of RICHARD SWAYNE deceased and to the heirs of her body lawfully to be begotten; and for default of such issue I then give and devise the same messuage or tenement house orchards gardens pidle and mead with their appurtenances unto Richard Limes my neighbour and to his heirs and assigns forever. ITEM; I give and devise unto the said Elizabeth Swayne my kinswoman all that my cottage or tenement with the outhouses orchards gardens and pidle of land thereunto belonging situate and being in Benfeild aforesaid near unto a common called Willstrond and now in the tenure of Thomas Hill; and also all that my half dowle of meadowground lying in the cornfield of Benfeild aforesaid abutting upon Littlecroft Mead towards the west and also four lands of land arable and meadow lying at Ryarshe in the cornefield of Binfeild between the land late of John Smewen towards the north and abutting upon Nutters towards the east to have and to hold the said cottage or tenement houses pidle half dowle and four lands with their appurtenances (after the expiration of the year aforesaid) unto the said Elizabeth Swayne her heirs and assigns forever. ITEM; I give and devise unto RICHARD PUNTER my kinsman all that parcel of land and meadow (being one whole land) lying in Ryarshe in the cornfield of Benfeild aforesaid between the land late of Richard Radish on the south part and the land late of John Smewen on the north part containing half an acre be it more or less to have and to hold the said parcel of land and meadow with the appurtenance (after the expiration of the year aforesaid) unto the said Richard Punter his heirs and assigns forever. ITEM; I give and devise unto HENRY PUNTER my kinsman all that my acre of land and meadow by estimation lying in Ryarshe in the cornfield of benfeild aforesaid between the land of Richard Powle Esq on the north and the land of William Hathorne on the south to have and to hold the said acre of land and meadow with the appurtenances (after the expiration of the year aforesaid) unto the said Henry Punter his heirs and assigns forever. ITEM; I give and devise unto ROBERT PUNTER my kinsman all that my pidle of land and pasture with the appurtenances called Rowles Pidle which I late purchased of Thomas Hatch containing by estimation two acres lying and being in Benfeild aforesaid next unto Cocks Elme to have and to hold the said pidle of land and pasture with the appurtenances (after the expiration of the year aforesaid) unto the said Robert Punter his heirs and assigns forever. ITEM; I give and devise unto THOMAS PUNTER my kinsman all that my cottage or tenement now in the tenure of Elizabeth Bartlett widow and all that pidle of land whereupon the said cottage is built called Hasell Hatch als. Harthatch containing by estimation two acres lying and being in Benfeild aforesaid adjoining to Querey Lane on the West part and also one great piece of land and meadow conat8ining four acres be it more or less lying in Ryarshe in the corn field of Benfeild aforesaid near unto Alderpoole between the land of John Pococke on the south and the land of Hugh Feverill on the north to have and to hold the said cottage pidle of land and piece of land and meadow with the appurtenances (after the expiration of the year aforesaid) unto the said Thomas Punter his heirs and assigns forever upon trust and confidence and to the intent and purpose that the said Thomas Punter his heirs and assigns shall upon the Feast day of All Saints yearly forever well and truly pay of the rents issues and profits of the said cottage or tenement pidle of land and piece of land and meadow to ten poor people of the parish of Benfeild the several sums of twelve pence apiece in money to such as in their discretion shall have most need provided always and yet nevertheless my will is that the said Elizabeth Bartlett shall have hold and enjoy the said cottage or tenement and the garden platt near unto it with all the ways leading thereunto during her natural life if she remain so long unmarried paying therefore yearly to the said Thomas Punter his heirs and assigns one penny (if it be demanded) and keeping the same in reparations. ITEM; I give to the lame daughter of my cousin JOHN SWAYNE deceased twenty shillings. ITEM; I give to Richard Sims my neighbour twenty shillings. ITEM; I give to Thomas Spice my neighbour twenty shillings. ITEM; I give to Alice Collins ten shillings; all which several sums I will shall be paid within one year next after my decease. ITEM; I give to the parish clerke of Binfeild three shillings. ITEM; I give to widow Yonge of the Poole twelve pence. All the residue of my goods cattle and household stuff not otherwise herein before given or bequeathed (my debts being paid my funeral expenses discharged and this my last will and testament duly performed) I wholly give and bequeath unto the said Joane Winche my wife whom I ordain and make my sole executrix of this my last will. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written – William Winch (his mark) – sealed subscribed and published in the presence of William Hathorne Snr., Nathaniell Hathorne, Edmund Hathorne
Proved 28th February 1647/8 by Joane Winch relict and executrix.
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