In the name of God Amen. I Symon Winch being weak in body but in perfect thanks be to Almighty God do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following. First I commend my soul to Almighty God my maker and redeemer and my body to the earth. ITEM whereas a legacy was given by Elizabeth Loggons unto my three daughters Elizabeth, Ellen and Jane of nine pounds [ ] apiece, my will and pleasure is to make it ten pounds apiece and twenty shillings apiece to buy each of them a ring. ITEM I do give unto my two other daughters Mary and Anne the like sum of ten pounds apiece and twenty shillings apiece to buy each of them a ring ITEM I give unto my grandchild Symon Winch my great [ ] of lodges lying in the [Glebe forest]. ITEM I also give unto every one of my grandchildren ten shillings apiece when they come to one and twenty years of age or day of marriage which shall first happen. ITEM I give unto my son in law Symon Beckley my white satin doublet my black cloak and all my ruff bands. ITEM I give unto my man Richard French one ruff [ ]. ITEM I give unto my kinsman Robert Winch five pounds – Symon Winch – All the rest of my goods and chattels not given nor bequeathed I do give unto my son Richard Wynch whom I do make executor of this my will – Symon Winch
Probate – Probatum fuit…
[1] One such Simon Beckley married Mary Winch in 1622 according to a Marriage Allegation at Canterbury. This was not be the same Mary Winch because she is not referred to in Elizabeth Loggins’s legacy in 1608 (her will was written in 1606). In the visitation of Berkshire, Simon Beckley of Fifield is cited as the wife of Elianor Winch, daughter of Simon Winch.
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