In the name of God Amen; I ROBERT MAYOTT of the parish of St Nicholas in the Borough of Abingdon in the county of Berks, gent being in perfect memory though weak in body and considering the frailty of man’s estate in general and mine own in special and being desirous whilst I have time to dispose of my estate which God has entrusted me withal that my debts may be truly paid and my loving wife and children out of my estate for their several livelihoods and educations hereafter better provided for do now make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner following; first I do most freely and willingly give and surrender my soul into the hands of God my Creator and my body to the earth its mother in an assured hope and faith that both body and soul shall be reunited and receive through my Saviour Christ Jesus’s merits a crown of everlasting life with him in heaven. ITE; I give to the poor of St Nicholas and St Hellens twenty shillings apiece to be distributed amongst them at the discretion of my uncle THOMAS PAINE and my kinsman JOHN MAYOTT. ITEM; I give to my good friend Mrs Jekill ten shillings. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my eldest son JOHN MAYOTT twenty pounds per annum during the life of JOANE MAYOTT my mother to be paid him quarterly by my executrix hereafter named for and towards his maintenance. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my said son John and to his heirs forever all that my lands in [ffyefeild] Fifield in the parish of Bray in the county of Berk; and my house in Abingdon with the appurtenances in the tenure of Joane Mayott my mother after the decease of Joane my mother, provided always that my said son John do within three years after the decease of Joane my dear mother pay or cause to be paid unto ANNE my dear wife or her assigns the sum of nine hundred pounds of lawful English money towards the raising of portions for my younger children in manner following (videlicit) Three hundred pounds of lawful English money within the first year after the decease of Joane my said mother and three hundred pounds more of like lawful money within the second year after the decease aforesaid [ ] and three hundred pounds more of like lawful money being the remainder of the nine hundred pounds within the third year after the decease aforesaid and in case any or part of the said several sums be not paid by my said son John or his heirs at or within the time aforesaid to be paid then my will and meaning is that Anne my wife shall have and enjoy the same to her and her assigns until she or her assigns shall out of the profits of the said lands and house raise the sum of nine hundred pounds towards the portions of my said children as aforesaid yet nonetheless it is my will and desire that if my said son John or his heirs shall at any time of payment of every of the three several sums of three hundred pounds secure by land or otherwise any or any part of the said several sums to be paid within twelve months after the time on which it ought to have been paid paying after the rate of five pounds per centum for so long time of the said years as he the said John or his heirs shall keep the same in his hands that then my said son John shall have and enjoy the same as before I have declared. ITEM; I give to my eldest daughter ALICE MAYOTT four hundred pounds, to ELIZABETH my second daughter three hundred pounds, to ANNE my third daughter three hundred pounds to be paid unto them at their several days of marriage or several ages of one and twenty which shall first happen provided they marry with the approbation of my said wife their mother and the overseers of this my last will. ITEM; I give unto my son ROBERT MAYOTT one hundred pounds to be paid him at the age of three and twenty years; and I likewise give unto my son Robert all that my house with the appurtenances in Ocke Street within the Borough of Abingdon to him and the heirs males of his body after the decease of Anne his mother. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my said son Robert all that my dwelling and brewhouse I now enjoy and the lease and leases thereof during the said term together with all implements and utensils belonging to the said brewhouse pr trade of brewing when he shall accomplish the age of three and twenty years paying yearly the sum of fifty pounds at the four most usual feasts in the year for and during so many years of the said term as Anne his mother shall happen to live. ITEM; I give unto my two youngest sons THOMAS and RICHARD MAYOTT the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds to be paid them at their several ages of one and twenty years and if my son Robert or any of my said three daughters Alice, Elizabeth and Anne happen to die before their portions become due that then the portion or portions of the party dying shall be equally divided amongst my two youngest sons Thomas and Richard Mayott but if Thomas or Richard my sons shall happen to die before their several ages of one and twenty and before the death of my son Robert or any of my daughters dying before their several marriages or ages of one and twenty that then the portion of him the said Thomas or Richard so dying shall come and be paid unto him the said Thomas or Richard the survivor and then the portion of Robert my son and the portions of my three daughters so dying as aforesaid shall be equally divided amongst my younger children. ITEM; I give unto my loving mother Mrs Joane Mayott a five shillings piece of old gold desiring her hearty forgiveness and blessing. ITEM; I give to ELIANOR SMYTH my aunt ten shillings to be yearly paid her for her life by my executrix. ITEM; I give unto my good and faithful friend James Herne of Abingdon ten pounds to be paid him within two years after my decease desiring him to be aiding and assisting to my wife and children in the getting in of the many debts that are owing to me and my executrix allowing his charges and fees for the same. All the rest of my goods and chattels real and personal whatsoever not hereby given and bestowed I do give and bequeath unto my most loving wife Anne whom I make sole executrix of this my last will and testament desiring my dear wife to be careful of the education of our children (and if God shall augment the talent left by me) to increase their several portions for their preferment according to her discretion. ITEM; I give notwithstanding twelve pence apiece to every poor man and woman within or belonging to the hospital in Abingdon called the New Hospital and also to the nurse belonging to the same hospital twelve pence; to the Beadle of the Town twelve pence; to John Williams two shillings; to all my household servants five shillings apiece; to other servants that weekly work with me and shall be so employed by me at the time of my decease two shillings six pence apiece; to Ralph Ansell my late servant two shillings six pence. In witness whereof I the said Robert Mayott this present thirtieth day of November in the nineteenth year of our Sovereign Lord King Charles his reign over England Scotland France and Ireland etc., have put to my hand to this will being three sheets of paper to each sheet and my seal on a label annexed to and through all the said three sheets – Robert Mayott – Memorandum that before then sealing and delivering and publishing this will these words following in the second sheet between the twelfth and thirteenth lines were interlined vizt. “of the said term” and between the fifteenth and sixteenth lines these words vizt. “happen to die before their portions become due” – Sealed and delivered in the presence of Richard Brownejohn, William Jekill, John Mayott
Proved 13th August 1646 by Joane Mayott on behalf of Robert Thomas and Elizabeth Mayott following the death of Anne, executrix and relict of Robert Mayott
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