Thomas Hathorne of East Oakley, Bray, 1635
In the name of God Amen The seventh day of February 1634 in the twentieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King Charles of England Scotland France Ireland defender of the faith, I THOMAS HAWTHORNE of Bray in the County of Berkshire, yeoman being weak in body but of good and perfect memory, praised be God therefore, make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following, vizt. First, I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my creator and my body I commit unto the earth from whence it came to be decently buried according to the discretion of my executors hereafter named. ITEM; my mind and will is that my executors shall have the letting and disposing of all my freehold lands and tenements and rents issues and profits thereof received and take up until my eldest son THOMAS shall accomplish the age of four and twenty years upon trust and confidence that they shall employ the same for and towards the maintenance placing forth and bringing up of my five children and that if there shall [remain] any [portion] of the same in their hands at such time as my said son shall accomplish the said age of four and twenty years that then they equally divide the same amongst my three daughters or so many of them as shall then living for the bettering of their persons And if my said eldest son shall happen to die before he shall accomplish the full age of four and twenty years then my mind and will is that my said executors shall have the letting and disposing of all my said freehold lands and tenements and the rent issue and profits thereof received and take up until my second son JOHN shall accomplish the full age of one and twenty years upon trust and confidence that they shall employ the same in such manner and form as is aforesaid. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my said son John and to his heirs forever all that my close of [ ] meadow and ground with appurtenances commonly called or known by the name of Latchmore containing by estimation five acres be it more or less lying and being in East Oakley [ ] in the parish of Bray aforesaid. ITEM; I give and bequeath all and singular my goods and chattels and household stuff whatsoever (my debts paid and funeral expenses discharged) unto my three daughters ELIZABETH, HELEN and JOANE to be equally divided amongst them all [ ] said goods chattels and household stuff my mind and will is shall be sold by my executors and the money thereof arising to be employed and disposed of by my said executors for the bettering and [education] of my said daughters person and my mind and will is that my said daughters shall be paid their several [portions] at their several ages of one and twenty years or day of marriage which shall first happen and if any of them shall happen to die before they shall attain unto the said age of one and twenty years or be married that then the [portion] of she or they so dying shall remain and be to the survivor or survivors of them to be equally divided amongst them. ITEM; I make ordain and appoint my brother in law RICHARD WINCHE of Bray aforesaid yeoman and Robert Lawrence of Bray aforesaid yeoman Executors of this my last will and testament [entreating] them to do the same in all things performed according to this my trust and confidence reposed in them and I give unto the said Richard Winche and Robert Lawrence for their pains therein to be taken five shillings a piece. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. Sealed and delivered and published by the said Thomas Hawthorne in the presence of Richard Deller, the mark of Thomas Hawthorne, Robert Bishop, Richard Deller the younger his mark, William Winch
Proved 8th April 1635
An inventory of all and singular the goods and chattels of Thomas Hawthorne late of Bray in the County of Berks yeoman deceased Taken and appraised the 19th day of February 1634 by Robert Todd, gent.; Henry Powney and Richard Marten yeoman all of Bray aforesaid:
Imprimis: In the hall: one table and frame, one form, eight joined stools, one court cupboard, 2 chairs all appraised at 28 s.
Item: an Iron bar, a pair of Andirons, fire shovel & tongs, an Iron trunk, and 2 Iron hooks, 1 pair of bellows, a looking glass, 3 window Curtains, a bible & sermon prayer book, [several] other books & some other things all appraised at 23s. 9 d.
Item: in the chamber next the hall: 1 standing bedstead & mat, 1 truckle bedstead & mat, one feather bed & bolster & pillow, one flock bed and bolster, 1 straw bed & bolster & coverlet, five blankets, five curtains,10 cushions, one carpet, one chaise, one old warming pan & 4 chests all appraised at £6 19s. 6d.
Item: his wearing apparel appraised at [ ].
Item in the chamber over the chamber above [ ]: two standing bedsteads, 3 curtains, 1 mat, one flock bed & feather bolster, 2 straw bolsters, [ ], 1coverlet, 1 blanket, four chests & 1 wainscot box all appraised at £3 7s.10d.
Item: in the chamber over the hall: one bedstead with curtain rods & a mat, a straw bed, [ ], one feather bed & feather bolster, five feather pillows, two coverlets, five blankets, two flock bolsters, two chests & a little table, 1 cupboard for pewter, a pair of andirons, fire shovel & tongs all appraised at £6 14s. 3d.
Item: 19 pairs of sheets, 11 table cloths, 10 towels, 4 pillow bears, 2 dozen & five napkins, 1 [ ] & 3 linen bags with pieces of old linen, a dozen pound of [ ] & five pound of flax, all appraised at £9 14s. 6d.
Item: a pair of satin bodies lined with taffeta & 4 pieces of taffeta appraised at 2 s. 8 d.
Item: in the corn loft: 3 bushels & a half of wheat, 5 bushels & a half of maize nine bushels of [ ], one steel mill, 1 straw & hay, 1 cradle 1 [ ] chair, 7 pound & a half of feathers, 2 spinning wheels, 4 sacks & bags a half bushel, a corn shovel, a pair of scales with some old lumber all appraised at £4 10 s. 9d.
Item: one [ ], 2 handsaws, 3 little chisels, 2 hammers with some little [ ] lumber all appraised at 2 s. 6d.
Item: in the kitchen: 47 pewter dishes, one dozen and nine spoons & some broken pewter, two brass pots, two brass skillets, six brass kettles & cup [ ] of other brass, 3 [ ], a gridiron and a dripping knife, 2 pairs of pot hangers, an iron to lay before the fire, an old table & trestle, some old [ ] with other lumber all appraised at £7 6s. 1d.
Item: in the larder: a bolting hutch, a kneading trough, one great bowl, a powdering trough, a powdering tub, 1 frying pan, a plate, a [ ], 3 tubs & 3 shelves with other lumber all appraised at 23s. 6d.
Item: in the milk house: 22 bowls, 3 trays, 5 pails, 1 butter churn, 1 butter basket, [ ] of sack, a shaving bowl, an iron pan with some other things all appraised at £10 3s. 9d.
Item: in the buttery: 4 tubs, 2 [ ], a little pot of butter, a pan of lard, with drinking glasses & some other final things all appraised at 12s. 8d.
Item: in the cow house: stable [ ] 4 racks with stand, [ ] 3 planks & other board & [ ], 1 saw, 2 carts & 1 pair of wheels, the harness belonging to the carts with 5 prongs, rake & other necessary implements all appraised at 58 s. 8 d.
Item: hay in the barn appraised at 53s. 4d.
Item: the dung in the yard, the ashes tub, some pots in the barn with other wood about the house, cheese press & a long saw all appraised at 14s.
Item: five cows, one bullock all appraised at £20 13s. 4d.
Item: one Mare appraised at 20s.
Item: two hogs appraised at 24s.
Item: two acres of wheat praised at £10
Item: six [flitches] of bacon appraised at £4 3s. 4d.
Item: [ ] appraised at 7s.
Sum Total £86 2s. 10d.
Robert Todd, Henry Powney, the mark of Richard Martyn
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