1622 John Gibbs


In the name of God Amen: I JOHN GIBBS of the Parish of St Dunstan in the West London (being weak in body but of good and perfect memory thanks be given unto Almighty God for the same) do make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following, and viz. Inprimis I commend my soul into the hands of my blessed Saviour hoping by his death and passion to have free remission and forgiveness of all my sins; and my body I commit to the earth to be buried in the Parish church of St Dunstan aforesaid in such manner as my executors hereafter notated shall think fit and convenient; and for the disposition of such worldly goods as it has pleased Almighty God of his bountiful goodness to bless me with all I dispose as follows, and first I give and bequeath unto the poor people of the liberty of Chancery Lane wherein I dwell the sum of three pounds to be paid upon the day of my funeral at the discretion of my executors. ITEM; I give unto Mr Graye minister of St Dunstan aforesaid twenty shillings for a funeral sermon to be preached by him at my burial. ITEM; I give unto Thomas Sheffield the Beadle seventeen shillings which Salomon the headborough of Chancery Lane owes me. ITEM; I give to my servant Henry Wilson over and above his wages twenty shillings, to Robert Richmond my apprentice four pounds which his father owes me, and to Lettice the my servant maid twenty shillings besides her wages, and to Katherine my other servant twenty shillings besides her wages, and these legacies to my servants to be paid within one half year after my decease. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my loving mother ELLEN GIBBS forty pounds to be paid within one year after my decease and she to have forty shillings a quarter every quarter until the said sum be paid. ITEM; I give unto my brother WALTER GIBBS ten pounds in money and I do freely release him from all such debts as he owes me to be paid within one year after my decease. ITEM; I give unto him more my [corslett] and pike which is now in the military armoury and I give unto him the said Walter the shop wherein my men now work, my cutting house adjoining unto it, the little chamber over the cutting house, the chamber over the kitchen and the little chamber within it and the study for and during all the residue of years yet to come and unexpired the in my house wherein now I dwell. ITEM; I give unto my brother PETER GIBBS the sum of thirty pounds to be paid unto him by () every six months after my death until the said sum be paid. ITEM; I give unto my brother HENRY GIBBS forty shillings to make him a ring. ITEM;I give unto my sister PASCHOE SEARLE twenty shillings to make her a ring and to her daughter FLORENCE the sum of twenty pounds to be paid unto her within one year after my death, and my will and mind is that the said sum of twenty pounds shall be put forth for the good of my said sister and her daughter and that her husband shall not have anything to do with all the use or profit thereof to be paid unto my sister for the maintenance of her said daughter until she comes to the age of sixteen years or shall be married. ITEM; I give unto my sister ANNE SANDFORD the sum of ten pounds to be paid within one year after my decease. ITEM; I give unto my cousin (Henry) YEO and unto my cousin HONOR STOKE twenty shillings apiece to make them rings. ITEM; I give unto my loving friend George Turbeville forty shillings to buy him a ring. ITEM; I give unto my loving friend George Gore my best sword and forty shillings to buy him a ring. ITEM; I give unto Nicholas Hunt forty shillings to make him a ring. ITEM; I give unto so many of the Military Company as shall accompany my corpse unto the grave five pounds to be spent at a dinner or supper amongst them at their choice. ITEM; I give unto my good friend Mrs Rose twenty shillings to make her a ring. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my son ADAM GIBBS the sum of five hundred pounds of lawful English money to be paid unto the said Adam Gibbs at his age of twenty one years. ITEM; I give unto my daughter ANNE GIBBS the like sum of five hundred pounds to be paid unto her at the age of sixteen years or day of marriage which shall first happen. ITEM; I give unto my son JOHN GIBBS the sum of three hundred pounds to be paid unto him at his age of twenty one years. ITEM; I give unto the child or children my wife now goes with all the sum of one hundred pounds if it be a boy to be paid at his age of twenty one years, if it be a girl to be paid at the age of sixteen years or day of marriage which shall first happen, and if either or any of my said children shall happen to die before the days of payment of their or any of their legacies then his or their part and portion so dying shall come and be equally divided amongst the rest surviving, and my will and meaning is that the said several sums of money so given and bequeathed to and amongst my children as aforesaid shall be put forth by my executors hereafter named to the best benefit and profit of my said children until they come to their several ages as aforesaid and further my will and meaning is that my said executors shall allow out of the profit to be made and raised out of the said legacies such a competent sum yearly for the maintenance and bringing up of my said children as they provide any three of them shall think fit and convenient in their discretions. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my loving wife ANNE GIBBS my house wherein I now dwell for the rest of the years yet to come and unexpired saving and excepting the rooms in my house which I have formerly given unto my brother Walter Gibbs by this my will. ITEM; I give unto my said wife all my household stuff and plate whatsoever and four hundred pounds in money, one hundred pounds thereof to be paid within one year after my death and the other three hundred pounds at the end of two years next after my death entreating (as I have been ever loving unto her) to be kind and loving unto my children and to see them as much as in her lies to be virtuously brought up. The rest and residue of all and singular my goods chattels and debts my debts which I owe being first paid and my funerals discharged I give equally to be divided to and amongst my children which now I have and the child or children which my wife now goes with all and if either of them die the same to be equally divided amongst the rest surviving; and of this my last will and testament I do nominate and appoint my especial good friends Mr Gilbert Keane, and Mr John Hickey, and Mr Walter Baylie and Mr (Nicholas) Turbeville to be my executors in trust during the minority of my said children entreating them as my trust is in them to be careful for my poor children and their estate and for their pains I give unto every of them six pounds apiece to make them rings and to every one of their wives twenty shillings apiece to make them rings; and I give unto the aforesaid Mr Nicholas Turbervile my best girdle and hangers desiring him to wear them for my sake. ITEM; I give unto my good friend Mrs Nicholas Harman five pounds to make him a ring and unto my loving friend Mr Nicholas Carter twenty shillings to make him a ring; and further my will and meaning is that such remnants of cloth and stuff as are in my cutting house which are of moment together with a piece of velvet a piece of cloth of gold and a velvet cloak in my press shall be sold towards the payment of my debts and legacies and the other remnants and things of less value in my cutting house I give and bequeath unto my brother WALTER GIBBS together with all my wearing apparel whatsoever. ITEM; I give more unto the poor of the liberty of Chancery Lane the sum of forty shillings to be distributed as the former three pounds according to the discretion of my executors. ITEM; I give more unto the poor of the Parish of Dun Chideocke where I was born the sum of five pounds. ITEM; I give unto the poor of the prison of Newgate Ludgate the two counters within the City of London the Fleet and the Martialsies to each prison three pounds to be distributed by my executors. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the three and twentieth day of October 1622 – the mark of John Gibbs – sealed and published for his last will and testament in the presence of Nicholas Hunt John Tompkins the mark of Thomas Raphe John Hallaway


Proved 2nd November 1622


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