In dei nomine Amen, the seventh day of August in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King James of England France and Ireland the nineteenth and of Scotland the six and fiftieth the defender of the faith etc., and in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred twenty and one [7/8/1621]; I RICHARD VENABLES of Andover in the County of Southampton Esquire being sick in body but of sound and perfect memory (blessed be God) do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following: first I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my powerful creator who brought me out of the dust of the earth and by whose blessed word I have been instructed and taught to remember my end that I shall thither again when this my earthly tabernacle shall be dissolved which is founded in the dust and clay to the glory of whose great name I do confess that as I was created by his all sufficient power so hitherto I have been sustained protected and defended in body and soul by his gracious providence for of his very mercy he gave the son of his love Jesus Christ the righteous for my redemption when I was small and of no reputation vile and corrupt by nature that being baptised into his death I might have new life within and therefore do assuredly hope that for my Saviour and Holy Redeemer’s sake in whom the father is well pleased and through whose alone merits without confidence in any weak work of mine own I do hope and wait for salvation he will bind me up in the bundle of his elect and having bought me at so high a prize will ever count me his own purchase and bring my soul to everlasting life; and my body to be buried in the parish church of Andover aforesaid according to the discretion of my executors trusting also of a joyful resurrection thereof in the last day. And as touching that temporal estate of lands leases and goods which it has pleased God to bestow on me my will and pleasure is as hereafter follows: I give and bequeath unto my son and heir NICHOLAS VENABLES and to his heirs for ever all my houses lands tenements and hereditaments lying in ANCTON and FELFAM within the County of Sussex and all my houses lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever in DOMAR KING ENGRAM ANDOVER and CHARLTON within the County of Southampton also I give and bequeath unto my said son Nicholas all my estate and term of years yet to come in the Rectory [Impropriat] of Andover aforesaid. ITEM; I give unto my said son Nicholas my leases of the Chantry and of all of the lands and tenements thereunto appertaining in Andover aforesaid and all my estate and term of years therein to come and unexpired which are held of the Warden Master and Fellows of the College near Winchester; also I give unto my said son Nicholas my lease of those lands and tenements which I hold of the town of Andover aforesaid and all my estate therein. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my second son RICHARD VENABLES and to his heirs for ever all my houses lands and tenements lying in St Lawrence Pountney Lane within the City of London
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