In the name of God Amen, the second day of March in the year of our Lord God, according to the computation of the church of England one thousand six hundred and nineteen [2/3/1619-20] I MATHEWE HAVYLAND of the City of Bristoll merchant and one of the Aldermen of the said City being of the age of threescore and nine years or thereabouts and of perfect memory for the which I praise God, do now make this my last will and testament in manner and form following: Inprimis and before all things I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my only creator trusting in his mercy and in the merits and death of his dearly beloved son Jesus Christ my only Lord and Saviour in whom I only hope to have remission and forgiveness of all my sins and everlasting joys in his heavenly kingdom there to reign with the blessed trinity forever even so be it Amen; and my body to be buried in Warborrowes churchyard even in the grave in which my wife JOYCE[1] was laid in and to be buried without a coffin if I may. And as concerning my worldly goods lands and estate which God has given and lent me I dispose of them in manner and form following. First I give deveise and bequeath unto my Grandchild MATHEWE HAVYLANDE[2] son of ROBERT HAVYLAND my son all the farm messuages housing buildings lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever lying in Hawkesbury in the County of Gloucs which I bought and purchased of Mr John Vizar and his father called Hawkesbury Barnes or otherwise; and also all those houses lands meadows and pastures which I bought and purchased of Mr Walter Dennys lying in Hawkesbury aforesaid or elsewhere in the said county of Gloucs in the conveyance of both which purchases my son Robert is joined with me; to have and to hold the said farm houses lands and tenements unto my said grandchilde Mathewe Havylande and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten or to be begotten for ever; and for want of such issue unto the right heirs of myself for ever. ITEM; I do hereby devise require and appoint that the executor of this my last will shall lay forth and bestow in land hiring or annuity the sum of three hundred and fifty pounds of lawful money of England as soon and as conveniently as he may after my decease to the uses and purposes hereafter mentioned that is to say that the yearly profit thereof coming or arising may be paid or employed and be for the better maintenance of my son WILLIAM for and during the term of his natural life and afterwards to be and remain unto my grandchild BARTHOLEMEW HAVYLAND son of the said William Havyland his heirs executors and assigns during all the residue of the estate or term so to be purchased and that in the meantime my executor shall pay yearly unto the said William in sum twenty pounds of lawful money of England and if the said William die before the same be bestowed then my will is that my executor shall pay the like sum of twenty pounds yearly unto the said Bartholemew Havyland until the said sum of three hundred and fifty pounds be employed and bestowed as aforesaid to the said Bartholemew hoping my executor will be careful herein and use a good conscience towards the said William my son and Bartholemewe my grandchild. ITEM; I do further give and bequeath unto my said son William one feather bed and bolster one flock bed and bolster with coverlets blankets and sheets and all other necessaries to furnish the same in reasonable sort with one suit of my apparel as shall be fit for him to wear; and also three dozen of course table napkins one dozen of flaxen napkins four table cloths eight towels four pairs of sheets two pillows one pair of pillow beers two crocks one pan thirty pieces of pewter three candlesticks and some other necessaries for house and kitchen and thirty [ ] of plate; also I give unto the said Bartholemewe Havyland my grandchild the sum of fifty pounds in money to be paid unto him within five years after my decease to make him a stock to begin the world with all. ITEM; I give devise and bequeath unto my son JOHN HAVYLAND all my lands and tenements which I bought or purchased of Mr John Weeks and Roger Forrte or either of them lying in Oldmyskin Cryston and Brent in the County of Somerset or elsewhere in the said county to have and to hold the same unto the said John Havylande and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten for ever and for want of such issue then the said to remain unto my son MATHEWE and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten for ever; also I give unto my said son John the sum of one hundred and thirty pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto him within four years next after my decease; I mean over and besides the sum of five hundred and forty pounds which I have paid and undertaken to pay for the [hire] of his house and land lying in Stocklande in the county of Somerset unto the Chamber of the City Bristol; also I give unto my said son John one hundred and twenty five [ ] of plate which I think I have set down in a schedule with my own hand; moreover I give unto my son John one pair of iron [andirons] with fire and tongs with copy heads and one ring of gold of mine; more I give unto him one fourth part of all the residue of my household stuff and furniture and of my apparel unbequeathed by this my will except my plate. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my son Mathewe Havylande all my eight part of the [Prisage wynes] coming to the port or creek of Bristol and my right and title to the said prysage during the lease or leases thereof granted upon condition that my said son Mathewe shall pay yearly unto TACIE my wife[3] during her life the sum of fifty pounds of lawful money of England according to a bond given and sealed by me heretofore and to discharge or keep harmless my heirs and executor from the said bond otherwise the said [aprisal] shall be unto them for their discharge from the said bond; also I give bequeath and devise unto my said son Mathewe my house and tenement lying in Smale Street in the City of Bristol wherein Mr Thomas Colson now dwells to have and to hold the same unto my said son Mathewe and the heirs of his body lawfully to be begotten for ever; and for want of such issue I will and appoint that the same shall remain unto my son John and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever. Moreover, I give and bequeath unto my son Mathewe five hundred pounds of lawful money of England to be paid him within five years after my decease; that is to say one hundred pounds yearly and every year till it be paid; more I give unto my son Mathewe one other fourth part of all my plate household stuff and furniture and apparel unbequeathed by this my will. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my son Robte Haviland’s children, that is to say, MATHEWE MARYE FLORENCE JANE AND ELIZABETH fifty pounds apiece to be paid unto them when they shall attain unto the several ages of twenty years. ITEM; I give unto my daughter ANNE LORT’s children that is to say SAMPSON and JOYCE the sum of four score pounds apiece to be likewise paid unto them as they shall accomplish and attain unto the ages of twenty years and if either of them die before they attain the said age of twenty years then the portion of him or her so dying shall remain unto the survivor of them; moreover I give unto the said Sampson and Joyce the sum of [twenty] pounds apiece to be paid unto them out of a debt or bond dated the eleventh of October which was in AD one thousand six hundred and fourteen when Mr SAMPSON LORTT their father stood bound unto Thomas Holmes of the City of Bristol salter in the sum of one hundred pounds for the payment of three score two pounds and ten shillings upon return of a ship called the Rose Lion of [C…] as by the said bond appears more at large which money was long [over]due and is to be paid unto me as by a letter of attorney irreversible made by the said Thomas Holmes unto me more fully appears the same being for moneys which was owing by the said Thomas Holmes unto me. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my daughter MARYE HOLWORTHIE’s children, that is to say to MATHEWE MARIE RICHARDE JANE and JOHN one hundred nobles of lawful money of England apiece to be paid unto them as they shall accomplish the full age of twenty years or days of marriage the which shall first happen; and if any of them die before her or his or their portion be due then the same to remain to remain unto the survivor of them; and I will that my executor alone be bound for the payment thereof. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my son in law Mr RICHARD HOLWORTHIE the like sum of one hundred nobles to be paid unto him within one year after my decease praying him to be due if the overseers of this my last will that the same may be honestly and faithfully performed according to my true meaning. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my sister ELIONOR [HOLYE] five pounds in money and a gown. ITEM; I give unto Mr Farmer minister of Warborrowes parish five pounds in money to make him a gown. ITEM; I give unto Mr William yeoman preacher five pounds in money to make him a gown so as he will preach at my funeral and his text to be on the twelfth chapter of Ecclesiastes and seventy years in the parish church of St Warborrowes. ITEM; I do give unto twelve honest poor men and of godly report to each of them a gown of Bristol russet cloth and twelve pence apiece in money for their dinners; but if such Bristol cloth cannot be had then to give thirty poor men [frize] gowns. ITEM; I do appoint that my son Robert Havyland and his heirs shall pay yearly for ever out of my lands called the Grange in or by Kingeswood in the County of Wiltes the sum of four pounds of lawful money of England unto the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of Bristol to the end and purpose that in the common goal [gaol?] of the said City called Newgate may be preached yearly for ever twelve sermons and that they pay the said four pounds unto the said preachers viz. for every sermon there six shillings eight pence in money, the preacher to be chosen by the choice of St Warborrowes parish with consent of my children and kindred of blood in the same City; and I do further appoint and authorise that if the said four pounds is not paid quarterly or within thirty days after every quarter that then the Mayor and Commonalty of their assign or assigns shall into the said lands enter and distrain for the said four pounds and the arrears thereof; and the same distress and distresses to retain and keep until the same be paid; and I will and appoint my son Robert and his heirs settle and confirm the same by such ways and means with the Mayor and Commonalty aforesaid shall devise and require. ITEM; I give unto Charles the Clark of St Warborrowes Church twenty shillings. ITEM; whereas of the farm grange and lands lying in Kingeswood aforesaid which I bought of Mr Richard Webb and Mr Jeffery Bower and of certain grounds now belonging and used with the same called Volls, Knightshill and Elborowe Hill there was a lease made to Henry Pott and John Groome for four score and nineteen years which began at the Feast of the Birth of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and fourteen and whereas if the house and lands bought of Mr Dennys there was likewise a lease made by William Butler Esquire unto Arthuir Vizar dated the two and twentieth day of November in the sixteenth year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth for four score and nineteen years which lease afterwards came unto Mrs Ellen Dennys which leases I also bought in and to keep the same from being drowned I caused the same to be assigned over in trust unto my twoi kinsmen and alliance in blood Mr WILLIAM PITT, Draper and Mr WILIAM PITT, Merchant whom I request and holpe will assign over the same unto my son Robert my heir or to such whom he will appoint; but my will and meaning is that the leases and interests thereof shall remain in my kinsmen’s hands and powers until my debts legacies be paid or good order or securioty given for the performance thereof according to my meaning to the end that they may see the same performed out of the said leases if my executor should become negligent therein as I hope he will not; also my meaning and will is that my executor shall deliver unto my sons John and Mathewe the several evidences and writings of those messuages lands and tenements to them severally devised; all the residue of my goods cattles chattels lands tenements whatsoever unbequeathed or undevised I give and bequeath unto my heir Roberte Havilande whom I do hereby make and appoint my full and sole executor of this my last will and testament renouncing hereby all former wills; and I do request my kinsmen William Pitt Draper William Pitt Merchant and Edward Batten gent to be overseers of this my last will to see the same performed accordingly; to whom I give unto every of them for their pains five pounds apiece in money. In witness whereof I Mathewe Havilande have hereunto put my hand and seal the day and year first abovewritten – Mathewe Havilande – Memorand that the second day of March one thousand six hundred and nineteen the abovenamed Mr Mathewe Havylande Alderman did publish and declare this will to be his last will in the presence of us – Humphrie Browne John Barker Edward Batten Thos Hobbs
Proved 22nd May 1620 by Robert Haviland (son and executor)
[1] Marriage Licence 11 Dec 1603 Matthew Haviland of Bristol, gent & Joyes, widow
[2] Matthew Haviland son of Robert of Hawkesburye Co. Gloucester, gent. ST ALBAN HALL, Oxford, matric. 25 May 1627 aged 18; BA 26 Jan 1629-30; MA 20 Oct 1632; of Hawkesbury; died 1670, perhaps ejected from rectory of Holy Trinity the Less, London 1662 (Oxford Alumni 1500-1714)
[3] Somerset Parish Registers: Marriage: Mathew Haviland and Tacy Payn 21 Jul 1618
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