In the name of God Amen; AD one thousand six hundred and eighteen the three and twentieth day of October [23/10/1618] I ELIZABETH CRADOCKE of the parish of Bucthorne Weston in the County of Dorset spinster being sick in body but of good and perfect memory (God be thanked therefore) do make my testament and last will in manner and form following. Inprimis I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my creator and redeemer by whose death and passion I hope to be saved at the dreadful day of judgement and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Castle Carye in the County of Somerset. ITEM; I give to the church of Castle Carye twelve pence. ITEM; I give to the poor people of Castle Carye aforesaid five shillings. ITEM; I give to the poor people of Babrary five shillings. ITEM; I give to the three sons of EDWARD CRADDOCKE twelve pence and a little laced band. ITEM; I give to the children of PETER CRADDOCKE forty shillings apiece to each of them. ITEM; I give to OLIVER CRADDOCKE my brother thirteen pounds in money and one featherbed [from shed] provided always my mind will and intent is that the aforesaid legacies shall remain in my mother,s power during her life to be delivered at her pleasure unto the said Oliver my brother. ITEM; I give to the three children of RICHARD HICKES my brother in law twenty shillings apiece to each of them. ITEM; I give to the child which my sister DOROTHY now bears one piece of gold of eleven shillings. ITEM; I give to my sister DOROTHY HICKES all my apparrel; the rest of all my goods and chattels moveable and unmoveable (my debts paid and my legacies performed I give unto Richard Hickes my brother in law whom I make my whole executor of this my testament and last will. In the presence of Jane Baker John Barbar’s sign
Proved 29th January 1618/9 by Richard Hickes (executor)
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