24th day of February in the thirteenth year of the reign of King James of England France and Ireland thanks be to God and the forty-ninth year of the reign of Scotland.
Memorandum that WILLIAM SEARLE of Hartley Wespall in the county of Southton yeoman did the day and year above written being sick in body but of good and perfect remembrance make this last will noncupative in manner following; that is to say first he bequeathed his soul unto Almighty God and his body to the earth to be buried in Christian and decent manner. ITEM; he gave and bequeathed unto MARGARET SEARLE his loving wife forty pounds whereof twenty was to be paid her by THOMAS SEARLE natural brother of the said William in and upon the feast day of St John Baptist next ensuing as then due from the said Thomas by his bond of forty pounds conditioned for the payment of the said twenty pounds and twenty pounds more she the said Margaret should receive from ANN SEARLE natural mother of the said William being due and payable by the said Anne unto him the said William or his assigns as a legacy to him given by WILLIAM SEARLE his natural fatherdeceased. ITEM; he gave and bequeathed to a little boy son unto Henry Crutcher ten pounds and of this his will he nominated the said Ann Searle his natural mother executrix hoping that he would see these his legacies truly paid and discharged of which his said will noncupative we whose names are here under written be witnesses – William Cotton William Paine
Proved 30th May 1616 by Anne Searle (mother and executrix)
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