In the name of God Amen. I JOHN PITT the elder of Blandford Forum in the County of Dorset well considering the frail estate of man’s life and in particular my own infirmity and weakness of body do make this my last will and testament in writing even this 28th day of September in the forty one year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth the Queen’s Majesty that now is in manner and form following; First I do revoke all former wills made by me before the date hereof; and I do commend my soul unto the mercy of almighty God my Creator and Redeemer who I hope will in mercy receive the same and accept of the ransom paid for my sins by the precious death and blood-shedding of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ our only redeemer mediator and advocate as a full satisfaction for all my sins and offences; and as for my body whensoever it shall please the Lord to separate my soul from it I commit to the earth from whence it first came to be buried at the discretion of my executrix. ITEM; I give unto the poor people of Blandford twenty shillings in money to be delivered them the day of my burial at their houses by the discretion of my executor. ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto my loving wife JOANE PITT my dwelling house in Blandford Forum aforesaid wherein I do now dwell for term of her natural life the same in good and sufficient sort during her life; and my will is that my said wife shall also have during her life the use and occupation of all the implements household stuff jewels and plate that I now have for her necessary use and furnishing of the said house for her abode after my decease; provided always that she does not alter any of my said goods household stuff jewels nor plate but for the better; and after her decease to leave my said house implements household stuff jewels and plate unto my son WILLIAM PITT to whom my said house is formerly conveyed of whom I hope my wife will have such due regard as he by his dutiful demeanor towards us has hitherto well deserved; unto which son William Pitt I do give and bequeath all my said implements household stuff jewels and plate after my said wife’s decease excepting and I do further will and appoint that my said son William Pitt shall see my said wife his mother to be well and orerly paid the yearly rent of twenty pounds by the year for term of her life which I have by a conveyance heretofore made conveyed and appointed to be paid unto her for term of her life out of the Priory of Wareham and Farm of Redcliff in the said County of Dorset according to the said conveyance. ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto my said wife Joane Pitt the tithes of Preston in the County of Dorset and all rent corn tithes profits and commodities to the said portion of tithes belonging or yearly receiving coming and growing in Preston aforesaid alias Little Preston to have and to hold the same unto my said wifeJoane Pitt and to the heirs males of her body lawfully begotten; and for default of such issue unto my son William pitt and to the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten; and for default of such issue unto my son JOHN PITT and to the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten; and for default of such issue to THOMAS PITT and to the right heirs of me the said John Pitt for ever. ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto my said son John Pitt all my lands and tenements in the town and county of Poole to have and to hold unto him my said son John and to his heirs and assigns for ever. ITEM; whereas I did purchase a tenement and certain lands in Preston aforesaid called Twynehoeshoulde and had the convenience thereof made in trust to my father in law Mr JOHN SWAINE deceased and have [since then] accepted of a lease of the same and of a certain tenement and lands in Charleton in the said county of Dorset made uto me by my said father Swaine for two thousand years I do give and bequeath unto my said son THOMAS PITT all my said term to come of and in the said tenement and lands in Charleton; and I do give and bequeath unto my said son William Pit all my said term to come of and in the said tenement and lands in Preston called Twynehoes holde together with the custody of the said writing or lease. ITEM; I do give and bequeath all other my lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever in Blandford Forum aforesaid or elsewhere in the county of Dorset which are not formerly conveyed uto my said son William Pitt and to the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten; and for default of such issue unto my son John Pitt and to the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten; and for default of such issue unto my son Thomas Pitt and to the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten; and for default of such issue to the right heirs of me the said John Pitt for ever. ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto my son John Pittall that part of the house or tenement wherein he now dwells in Blandford aforesaid together with the shops and other easements thereunto belongingand now in his own tenure to have and to hold unto my said son John Pitt his executors and assigns for the term of forty years if he the said John Pitt ALICE his now wife and CHRISTOPHER his son or any or either of them so long do happen to live yielding and paying therefore yearly the sum of thirteen shillings four pence as a rent and well and sufficiently repairing and maintaining the premises during all the said term. ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Pitt all the other part of the said tenement wherein one Hugh Cribbe lately dwelt in Blandford aforesaid together with the shops and other easements and commodities thereunto belonging, to have and to hold unto my said son Thomas his executors and assignes for the term of forty years if the said Thomas Pytt such woman as he shall first happen to marry with all and such son as he shall first have issue of his body or any or either of them so long shall happen to live, yielding and paying therefor yearly the sum of of thirteen shillings four pence as a yearly rent and well and sufficiently repairing and maintaining the premises during all the said term charging my son William to make them leases thereof accordingly when he shall require it. ITEM; I do will and appoint that my said wife shall occupy and enjoy the barn and ground which I hold by lease of Mr Comage in a place in Blandford called thoute hayes [the out hayes] for the term of her life repairing the same as need shall require and discharging the lord’s rent so long as she shall enjoy the same; and after her decease I do will and appoint that the residue of the term of years of the said barn and ground with the lease thereof shall be and remain unto my said son William if he dwell in Blandford. ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Pitt the sum of fifty pounds of current English money to be paid unto him within one year after my decease. ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto my daughter Ellenor Pitt the sum of fifty pounds of current English money to be paid unto her within twelve months after my decease. ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto my daughter SUSAN the sum of fifty pounds of current English money to be paid unto her within one year and a half after my decease. ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto my son John Pitt the sum of fifty pounds of current English money to be paid unto him when he shall have paid all the stock and debt which he owes me. ITEM; I do give unto my Grandchild EDWARD PITT son of my son William Pitt a little cup of silver called my dram cup. ITEM; I do give unto every of my daughters which are married a piece of gold of twenty shillings for a remembrance of me. ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto every of my children’s children a piece of gold of ten shillings a piece; all the residue of my goods and chattels not heretofore given nor bequeathed, my debts and legacies being paid and my funeral charge discharged I do give and bequeath unto my loving wife Joane whom I make my sole executor of this my last will and testament and do pray her to put to her best diligence with the assistance of my overseers to see this my will duly performed; and I do pray my brother WILLIAM PITT and my son Thomas Pitt to assist my said wife and executrix in the affairs pertaining to my estate, and I do give unto my said brother William Pitt a gold ring for a remembrance of me; in witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal the day and year abovesaid – John Pitt the elder
Proved 13th February 1601/2 by Joane Pitt (relict and executrix)
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