1597 Christopher Moncke


In the name of God Amen; the eighteenth day of April and in nine and thirtieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Queen of England France and Ireland defender of the faith etc. I CHRISTOPHER MONKE of Ockford Phitzpaine in the County of Dorset being sick in body yet of perfect remembrance thanks be given to God therefore do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following; first I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator and Redeemer; and my body to be buried in the church or churchyard of Ockforde aforesaid at the discretion of my overseers.  ITEM; I give to the maintenance of the same parish church twenty shillings.  ITEM; I give to the poor people of the same parish forty shillings;  ITEM; I give to ANNE my wife in money fifty pounds fourteen shillings eight pence.  ITEM; I give to my wife all my best apparel with all my household stuff  my bed furnished and all my linen.  ITEM; I give to four of my Godchildren five shillings a piece that is to say to John Lynley five shillings to Robert Rose five shillings to John Hancocke five shillings and to Christopher Hooper five shillings.  ITEM; I give to George Foote two shillings six pence.  ITEM; I give to Christopher [Daladone] two shillings six pence.  ITEM; I give to JOHN MONKE a shirt band the best.  ITEM; I give to Anne my wife all the debts which were due unto me by the death of my brother which do remain yet unpaid provided that she at her own cost and charge do recover the fore bequeathed legacies without costing or troubling my executor; as for all the rest of my goods and cattle as well moveable as unmoveable not disposed of in this my last will and testament I give and will to my dearly beloved father GILBERT MONKE whom I make the only executor of this my last will and testament; and for my overseers to the end all things be duly executed according to true meaning I have appointed my loving friends Thomas Phillipps and Martyn Foyle unto whom for their pains I do give five shillings a piece.  Signed and sealed in the presence of Thomas Batten Thomas Phillipps Martyn Foyle Robert Hancock – Christopher Monke [his mark]


Proved 5th November 1597 by Gilbert Moncke (executor)


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