In the name of God Amen, the four and twentieth day of March 1592 (24/3/1592-3) and in the five and thirtieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Queen of England France and Ireland defender of the faith etc., I EDMONDE BARBAR citizen and clothworker of London being sick and weak in my body but of good and perfect memory laud and praise be given unto Almighty God therefore do make and ordain this my present testament and last will in manner and form following that is to say; first I commit and bequeath myself both in soul and body into the hands of Almighty God Creator of me and of all the world and unto Jesus Christ his only son my Lord and Saviour and unto God the Holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and Son my comforter and sanctifier and my hope and assured faith is that by virtue of the merits death and intercession of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ my sins are clearly remitted and that the mercy and favour of God is unto me freely obtained and purchased and that I shall both in soul and body have and enjoy the blessing of eternal life in the Kingdom of Christ among the clerks and chosen children of God. My body I will to be buried in Christian burial at the discrfetion of my executrix hereafter named in the parish of Saint Steven in Colman Street there to rest in assured hope of a joyful resurrection in the great day of the Lord whereas I am at this present by the blessing and sufferance of Almighty God possessed and seized of and in certain lands tenements and hereditaments hereafter in these presents particularly expressed that is to say of and in certain lands tenements and hereditaments situate and being in Old Ford in the Parish of Stebbinheath in the County of Middlesex of and in a certain great messuage or tenement situate and being in the Parish of St Marftin Pomery in Iremonger Lane in London now in the occupation of Lewys Bishopp merchant stranger of and in a certain messuage or tenement set and being in Cateaton Street in the Parish of St Martin Pomery aforesaid now in the tenure and occupation of Henry Parker of and in one other messuage or tenement set and being in Cateaton Street aforesaid on the corner of Iremonger Lane aforesaid now in the tenure and occupation of John Stoddard and of and in a certain piece or parcel of ground lying and being on the back side of the great messuage tenement or inn commonly known by the sign of the Bell and Saracens Head in the parish of St Katherine Christchurch alias Creechurch near Algate (Aldgate) of London now in the tenure and occupation of Joane Chriplyn widow abuttingupon the garden in the occupation of the said Joane holden of Mrs Thomasine Evans widow toward the south and the Queen’s highway towards the east and the garden of Sir Francis Carewe knight toward the west. Now I the said Edmond Barbar do by these presents give and grant all and every my freehold lands tenements and hereditaments situate and being in Oldefoorde in the parish of Stebbinhithe in the County of Middlesex with all and singular the rights members and appurtenances thereof unto my loving wife ELIZABETH BARBAR for and during the term of her natural life if she the said Elizabeth shall so long continue a widow sole and unmarried; and I give and grant the reversion and remainder of and in all and singular my freehold lands tenements and hereditaments with all and singular their appurtenances in Oldefoorde aforesaid except a certain parcel of land or meadow ground commonly called Lott acre lying and being in Sheford Marsh and such other lands and tenements as I late purchased and bought of my brother THOMAS SHAA of Terling in the County of Essex Esquire as appeareth by the deeds indented of the said Thomas Shaa bearing date the one and twentieth day of this present month of March unto EDMONDE BARBAR my son his heirs and assigns for ever to have and to hold all my said freehold lands tenements and hereditaments with the appurtenances in Oldefoorde aforesaid (except as before excepted) immediately from and after the day of death or day of marriage of the said Elizabeth my wife which shall first and next happen after my decease unto the said Edmonde my son his heirs and assigns for ever to the only use and behoof of him the said Edmonde his heirs and assigns for ever; and I give and grant the reversion and remainder of and in the said parcel of ground called Lott Acre and of and in all such other freehold lands tenements and hereditaments set and being in Oldefoorde aforesaid as I late purchased and bought of my said brother Thomas Shaa by his deed indented bearing date the one and twentieth day of this present month of March unto THOMAS BARBAR my son his heirs and assigns for ever to have and to hold the said parcel of ground called Lott acre and other the lands and tenements bargained sold and specified in the deed of the said Thomas Shaa above mentioned immediately from and after the day of the decease or day of marriage of the said Elizabeth my wife which shall first and next happen after my decease unto the said Thomas my son his heirs and assigns for ever to the only use and behoof of him the said Thomas my son his heirs and assigns for ever and I give and grant all that my great messuage or tenement with all and singular the rights members and appurtenances thereof situate and being in Iremonger Lane in the Parish of St Martin Pomerie aforesaid now in the occupation of the said Lewys Bishoppunto the said Elizabeth my wife for and during the term of her natural life if the said Elizabeth shall so long continue sole and unmarried and I give and grant the reversion and remainder of an in the said great messuage or tenement in Iremonger Lane aforesaid with the appurtenances unto the said Thomas Barbar my son his heirs and assigns for ever to have and to hold the said great messuage or tenement with the appurtenances immediately from and after the decease or day of marriage of the said Elizabeth my wife which shall first and next happen come or be after my decease unto the said Thomas my son his heirs and assigns for ever to the only proper use and behoof of the said Thomas my son his heirs and assigns for ever. Also I give and grant all that my messuage or tenement with all and singular the rights members profits and appurtenances thereof now in the tenure or occupation of Henry parker situate and being at Cateaton Street in the Parish of St Marten Pomerie aforesaid unto the said Elizabeth my wife for and during the term of her natural life if she the said Elizabeth shall so long continue sole and unmarried. And I give and grant the reversion and remainder of and in the said messuage or tenements with the rights members profits and appurtenances thereof in the occupation of the said Henry Parker unto HENRY BARBAR my son his heirs and assigns for ever to have and to hold all the said messuage or tenement with the rents profits and appurtenances thereof immediately from and after the decease of day of marriage of the said Elizabeth which shall first and next happen come or be after my decease unto the said Henry Barbar my son his heirs and assigns for ever to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Henry his heirs and assigns for ever. Also I give and grant all that my messuage or tenement in Cateaton [ ] Street on the corner of Iremonger Lane aforesaid now in the tenure or occupation of the said John Stoddard with all the rights members and appurtenances thereof unto the said Elizabeth my wife for and during the term of her natural life if she the said Elizabeth shall so long continue sole and unmarried. And I give and grant the reversion and remainder of and in the same messuage or tenement with the appurtenances in the occupation of the said John Stoddard unto FRANCIS BARBAR my son his heirs and assigns for ever to have and to hold the same with all the rights members and appurtenances thereof immediately from and after the decease or day of marriage of the said Elizabeth which shall first and next happen come or be after my decease unto the said Francis Barbar my son his heirs and assigns for ever. Also I give and grant all that piece or parcel of ground lying and being in the backside of the great messuage tenement or inn call the Bell and Saracens Head in the parish of St Katherine Christchurch alias Creechurch within Algate of London now in the tenure and occupation of the said Joane Chaplyn widow abutting upon the garden in the occupation of the said Joane holden of the late Thomazine Evans on the south, on the Queen’s highway on the east and the garden of the said Sir Francis Carewe knight on the west as is above expressed unto the said Elizabeth Barbar my wife for term of her natural life if the said Elizabeth shall so long continue unmarried and I give and grant the reversion and remainder of and in the same parcel of ground unto the said Francis Barbar my son and his heirs for ever; and whereas Thomas Shaaof Terling in the County of Essex Esquire has on the 21st day of this present month of March surrendered into the hands of the Right Honourable the Lord Wentworth Lord of the Manor of Stebbinhithe by the hands of a Hodborough and six of the customary tenants of the same manor according to the custom certain copyhold or customary lands and tenements situate and being in Oldfoorde in the parish of Stebbinhithe in the county of Middlesex within the jurisdiction of the same manor to the use and behoof of Fabian Postlett gentleman his heirs and assigns for ever and whereas the said lands and tenements surrendered as aforesaid do of right belong and appertain unto me the said Edmond Barbar and are by reason of the perfect infirmity of sickness of me the said Edmond being in respect thereof [unapt] to receive the same surrender by my will and appointment surrendered by the said Thomas Shaa unto the said Fabian Postlett upon mere trust and confidence by me the said Edmond reposed in the said Fabian to the intent that the said Fabian Postlett shall at the next court to be held in or upon the manor aforesaid surrender according to the custom of the same manor all and every the said lands tenements and hereditaments in the Foorde aforesaid to him surrendered as is above mentioned to the use and behoof of me the said Edmond and my heirs as of such other person or persons as I the said Edmonde shall before the next court be held in or upon the same manor nominate and appoint. Now I the said Edmond Barbar do by this my present testament and last will nominate constitute will and appoint that the said Fabian Postlett or his heirs shall at the next court to be held in or upon the manor aforesaid surrender or cause to be surrendered into the hands of the Lord according to the custom of the same manor all and every the copyhold or customary lands and tenements set lying and being in Oldfoorde by the said Thomas Shaa surrendered unto the said Fabian as is above mentioned to the use and behoofe of the said THOMAS BARBAR my son and his heirs for ever if the said Thomas my son shall be then living; and if it shall happen that the said Thomas my son shall be then deceased then my will and mind is and I do hereby nominate and appoint that the same surrender shall be made and given to the use and behoof of the right heir or heirs of me the said Edmonde and his her or their heirs for ever. And now as concerning the ordering and disposing of such goods [cattals] and sums of money as I shall have due or owing unto me or be possessed of at the time of my decease. First my will and mind is that out of the same all debts and sums of money as I shall owe or be duly indebted in at the time of my decease shall be duly and orderly paid and satisfied by my executrix hereafter named when the same shall be due and payable and that my funerals shall be decently and orderly performed my debts being paid and my funeral expenses being discharged my will and mind is that all the residue of my said goods cattalls ready money and debts shall according to the laudable use and custom of the City of London be parted and divided into three equal parts or potions one part or portion whereof I give and bequeath unto my said loving wife Elizabeth Barbar one other part or portion thereof I give and bequeath unto and amongst my children Edmond Thomas Henry Francis ELIZABETH and MARY to be amongst them equally parted and divided. The other third part thereof I give and dispose in manner and form hereafter ensuing. First I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Elizabeth Barbar the sum of five hundred marks of lawful money of England to be paid unto her at the accomplishment of her lawful age of twenty and one years or at the day of her marriage which shall first happen; also I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Mary Barbar the sum of five hundred marks of lawful money of England to be paid unto her at the accomplishment of her lawful age of twenty and one years or at the day of her marriage which shall first happen; and my will and mind is that if it shall happen any of my said children Edmond Thomas Henry Francis Elizabeth or Mary to die or depart this life before such part of my goods cattalls and debts as I have by this my present testament and last will to them or any of them given and bequeathed shall be unto them or any of them due and payable according to the tenor and true meaning of these presents that then that part potion and legacy of such of them as shall happen to die shall be parted and divided unto and amongst the survivors of all my said children by equal and indifferent portions. Also I give will and bequeath unto my loving sister ELIZABETH AWGERwife of NICHOLAS AWGER of London Draper the sum of ten pounds of good and lawful money of England to be paid unto her within the space of one month next after my decease. Also I give and bequeath unto and amongst the children of my said sister Awger the sum of six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence of the like money to be amongst them equally parted and divided. Also I give and bequeath unto my said loving brother Thomas Shaa the sum of ten pounds of lawful money of England and also a gelding which I have running at grass at terling aforesaid. Also I give and bequeath unto my cousin Mary Derisley wife of William Derisley gentleman daughter of my said brother Tomas Shaa the sum of twenty pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto her within the space of one month next after my decease. Also I give and bequeath unto Jane Shaa widow late wife of my brother ROBERT SHAA deceased the sum of ten pounds of the like money to be paid unto her within the like space of one month next after my decease. Also I give and bequeath unto my servant Thomas Shaa son of the said Robert Shaa the sum of ten pounds of the like money to be paid unto him at his full age of twenty and one years. Also I give and bequeath unto Thomas Evans Tallowhandler the sum of five pounds of lawful money of England and my worste citizens gown faced with damask; also my will and mind is that my executrix hereafter named shall make unto the said Thomas Evans a sufficient lease in writing of all that shop which the said Thomas now holds of me in Cornhill for the term of twenty years and for the yearly rent which he now yields for the same. Also I give and bequeath unto the Master Wardens and Livery of the Company of Clothworkers the sum of six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence of lawful English money to be bestowed in a dinner or a drinking amongst them on the day of my burial. Also I give and bequeath unto my friend Mr George Turfett gentleman the sum of ten pounds of lawful money of England. Also I give and bequeath unto my friend Mr Richard Wrighte gentleman the like sum of ten pounds of the like money in consideration of such pains as I hope the said George and Richarde will take after my decease to see this my will duly performed. Also I give and bequeath unto five and forty poor men to be appointed at the discretion and choice of my executrix to every of them one gown of black cloth of the price or value of twenty shillings of lawful English money. Also I give and bequeath unto the relief of the poor children in Christ’s Hospital in London the sum of forty shillings of the like money to be paid to the governors of the said hospital for the use aforesaid within the space of one month next after my decease. Also I give will and bequeath unto my servant Thomas Clement the sum of five pounds of lawful money of England. The residue of all and singular my goods cattals ready money and debts not before given or disposed I do by these presents give bequeath and dispose unto my loving wife Elizabeth Barbar and unto my said children Edmond Thomas Henry Francis Elizabeth and Mary to be amongst them my said wife and children equally parted and divided and I do by these presents make ordain nominate and appoint my said loving wife Elizabeth the full whole and sole executrix of this my present testament and last will desiring her to see the same duly performed as my trust is in her. And I do also nominate and appoint my said loving brother Thomas Shaa and my said loving friends George Turfett and Richard Wrighte to be overseers of the same my last will and testament desiring them and every one of them to be aid and assistant unto my said executrix in the performance of the same. And I do by these presents renounce and revoke all former testaments by me heretofore made or devised. And in witness that this is my very true testament and last will I the said Edmond Barbar have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. By me Edmond Barbar – sigillat subscript et deliberat in putia me- John Partridge, scrivenor [ ] London I will not give any mourning gown but to five and forty poor men
Memorandum – after the making of his said will in writing the said Edmond Barbar did by word of mouth give these legacies following: viz. to Thomas Shaa Esquire one sorrel gelding; to Miles Jackson gentleman one embroidered saddle; to Thomas Wiggs Esquire one case of pistols; to William Fynings merchant one [basterd] musket
Proved 11th May 1593 by Elizabeth Barbar (relict and executrix)
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