In the name of God Amen. The first day of May in the year of our Lord God a thousand five hundred four score and five [1/5/1585] and in the seven and twentieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Queen of England France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith etc. I RICHARD HOLLAND Citizen and Marchanttailor of London being weak in body but of perfect mind and memory (laud and praise be given to Almighty God) do make ordain and declare this my present testament containing herein my last will in manner and form following. That is to say: First and principally I bequeath my soul unto Almighty God my maker and creator and to his dearly beloved son Jesus Christ my only saviour and redeemer in whom and by the merits of whose most precious death and passion I hope and steadfastly believe to have full and clear remission pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and offences and my body to the earth to be buried within the parish church of St Clement Danes without the [barrs] of the new Temple of London where I am now a parishioner in some convenient place within the same parish church at the discretion and appointment of my executor hereafter named. ITEM; I will that all such debts duties and sums of money whatsoever as I shall be indebted in or owe of right or inconvenience to any person or persons at the time of my decease shall be well and truly answered satisfied and paid by my executors hereafter named as shortly after my decease as conveniently may be. ITEM; I will that all and singular my goods chattels plate jewels ready money household stuff debts and moveable things whatsoever remaining at my decease (after my debts paid and my funeral expenses fully discharged) shall be indifferently parted and divided according to the laudable use and custom of the City of London between MARGARET HOLLAND now my wife and JOHN HOLLAND and ROBERT HOLLAND my sons. And to the end that my said debts shall be fully paid and answered and also my funerals and bequests, my full mind will and intent is and I do by these presents devise that my said executors hereafter named shall within convenient time as may be after my decease grant bargain and sell the fee simple of all that my messuage tenement or tavern commonly called the Rose with the appurtenances wherein I the said Richard Holland do now dwell set lying and being nigh Temple Barre in the parish of St Clement Danes in the county of Middlesex. And all shops cellars [sollers] buildings backsides rooms commodities and appurtenances thereunto belonging and appurtenances unto any manner of person or persons whatsoever and his heirs and assigns forever; And that all the money thereof coming and growing after my said debts and funerals paid shall be equally divided between the said Margaret Holland my wife John Holland and Robert Holland my sons; and I do by these presents name and appoint my well-beloved friend Christopher Fysher Citizen and Grocer of London to be the sole and only executor of this my last will and testament to see all things done operated and performed according to the true intent and meaning thereof. Witnesses hereunto Thomas Holland Doctor of Divinity, Robert Edwardes, Emanuel Maunsel Esq
Proved 15th September 1585 by Christopher Fysher, executor
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