1576 Thomas Hewett


In the name of God Amen. The tenth day of October 1571 in the seventeenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Queen of England France and Ireland defender of the faith etc.  I Thomas HEWETT Citizen and Clothworker of London being whole of body and of perfect remembrance (laud and praise be unto Almighty God) do make and ordain this my present testament and last will in manner and form following. That is to say: first I bequeath my soul unto Almighty God and to his only son Jesus Christ by whose death and bitter passion my only trust is to receive salvation and to be made partaken and an inheritance of his heavenly kingdom. And my body to be buried in the parish church of St Clement where I am a parishioner.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to St Thomas Hospital in Southwark five pounds to be paid within three months next after my decease.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to the poor prisoners remaining the day of my decease within the prisons of Newgate Ludgate the two Compters in London the Marshalsea the Kings Bench and the White Lyon to the prisoners in every of the said houses twenty shillings.  ITEM; I bequeath to the poor of the handicraft of clothworkers ten pounds to be distributed by the good discretion of the Master and wardens of the said clothworkers for the time being within one month next after my decease.  ITEM; I bequeath to four and twenty poor men to every of them one gown no colour of six shillings a yard whereof six of the poor men to be of the parish where I dwell and the rest to be of the poor handicraft of clothworkers.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to the poor of the parish of Wales in the County of York where I was born five pounds to be paid and distributed there by twenty shillings a year at the discretion of my executors.  ITEM; I bequeath to my worshipful and loving friends and cousins Mr Edward OSBORNE and Anne his wife to either of them a ring of gold price three pounds, and to my godson Hewett OSBORNE five pounds.  ITEM; I bequeath to my cousin William HEWETT Clothworker a ring of gold price forty shillings and to my cousin his wife a ring price thirty shillings.  ITEM; I bequeath to my cousin Nicholas HEWETT Clothworker a ring of gold price forty shillings and to my cousin his wife a ring price thirty shillings.  ITEM; I bequeath to my cousin Randall SYMES a ring of gold price forty shillings and to his wife a ring of gold price thirty shillings.  ITEM; I give to my tenant John Raynes a yard and a half of pewke to make him a coat with all price twelve shillings the yard and to his wife two and a quarter yards of pewke price twelve shillings the yard.  ITEM; I bequeath to my cousin Richard SYMES of Welford a yard and a half of pewke price twelve shillings a yard.  ITEM; I bequeath to my son in law John HAWKES Draper ten pounds.  ITEM; I bequeath to Richard Foster Clothworker four yards pewke to make him a gown price the yard thirteen shillings four pence.  ITEM; I give to William Dawkes my apprentice upon condition that he give a true and [right] account to my son Henry HEWETT of all such things that he has in charge and to serve with him the rest of his years twenty pounds.  ITEM; I bequeath to Robert Bate my apprentice a gown and a coat of pewke price twelve shillings the yard and forty shillings in money.  ITEM; I bequeath to Henry Parker my apprentice twenty shillings in money and a coat and a cloak price nine shillings the yard.  ITEM; I bequeath to every maidservant being in my house the day of my decease two yards quarter of cloth price nine shillings the yard.  ITEM; I bequeath to the good wife Corkes twenty shillings a year during her life to be paid quarterly five shillings and further I will that if she remains with my wife or with my son that she shall have all necessary and needful apparel to her body freely.  ITEM; I give unto Thomas White my apprentice so that he serve out his years of apprenticehood with my son Henry HEWETT ten pounds.  ITEM; to my cousin George MONNOX gent a ring price thirty shillings and to his wife a ring price thirty shillings.  ITEM; to Mr Anthony Bridges of Ham a ring price thirty shillings and to his wife a ring price thirty shillings and to Thomas Bridges my godson forty shillings to buy him books.  ITEM; to Mr John Luke Clothworker a ring price forty shillings.  ITEM; to my cousin STURDIVANT Swordbearer of London a ring price thirty shillings.  ITEM; to Mr Lewsey gent a ring price thirty shillings.  ITEM; to my cousin DUMMER a ring price thirty shillings.  ITEM; to my cousin SANDFORD a ring price thirty years.  ITEM; to Mr Wegges Draper at price thirty shillings.  ITEM; to my son in law Richard STAPER and his wife to either of them a black gown and to him a ring price forty shillings and to his wife a ring priced thirty shillings.  ITEM; to my son Henry HEWETT four yards of fine peaked and a ring price forty shillings, and likewise to my son William HEWETT four yards fine pewke and a ring price forty shillings.  ITEM; to Henry Clyderowe four yards pewke and a ring price forty shillings.  ITEM; to my daughter Bridgett HEWETT a black gown and forty shillings to make a ring.  ITEM; to Mr Richard Raynolds Draper a ring price thirty shillings.  ITEM; to Robert Dove merchant tailor a ring price thirty shillings.  ITEM; to Margaret Felde my maid twenty shillings in money. ITEM; to Michael Hawkins Clothworker twenty shillings in money.  ITEM; to the Master Wardens and company of Clothworkers towards the bringing of the house out of debt ten pounds and more for the pains of coming to my burial towards a dinner six pounds thirteen shillings four pence.  ITEM; to Thomas HEWETT wire drawer thirty shillings in money.  ITEM; to Nicholas HEWETT Scrivenor twenty shillings.  ITEM; to the peace of the parish of St Clements ten pounds to be distributed in five years that is to say yearly forty shillings by the good discretion of my son Henry and the church wardens of the said parish for the time being.  ITEM; to the poor of the parish of St Martins Orgar forty shillings.  ITEM; to the poor of St Michael’s Crooked Lane twenty shillings.  ITEM; to the poor of St Mary Abchurch twsenty shillings.  ITEM; to the poor of St Lawrence Pountney twenty shillings. And as concerning the house that I now dwell in I will and devise give and bequeath my said house with shop cellar solars and all other the appurtenances to the same belonging to my well-beloved wife Elizabeth to have and to hold the same during her natural life and after her decease the remainder thereof to Henry HEWETT my son and heir apparent and to his heirs forever.  And also I give and bequeath to Elizabeth my said wife my manor or grange of Sherox in the County of Nottinghamshire or York or elsewhere now in the tenure or occupation of John Raines and others to have and to hold the same during her natural life and after her decease the remainder to the said Henry my son and heir and to his heirs for ever.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to Vincent Hamcotte and his wife unto either of them a ring price thirty shillings.  ITEM; I give to Anthonie Bate my son Henry’s apprentice upon condition that he serve his master truly three pounds to be paid at the coming out of his years of apprenticehood.  ITEM; to my cousin John WYGHTE’s wife thirty shillings.  ITEM; to Jasper Wray forty shillings.  ITEM; to Mrs Wraye of Edmundton two yards of pewke price thirteen shillings and four pence and to Thomas Wray her son a coat cloth price eleven shillings the yard.  ITEM; I give to John Browne and his wife six yards quarter of pewke to make him and his wife either of them a black gown.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to my daughter STAPER’s four children now living to every of them twenty pounds to be paid the days of their several marriages or ages of one and twenty years which shall first happen and I will that every of them shall be other’s heir concerning my said legacy.  ITEM; I give [xxx] William Saye of Yknam a ring price thirty shillings, and to my cousin Robert SAYE his eldest son thirty shillings.  ITEM; to Mr Edmund Burton a ring thirty shillings.  ITEM; I do give to my very friend Mr Boswell of the Court of Wards a ring price forty shillings desiring him to be as friendly to my son Henry as he always has been to me.  ITEM; I give to my son William HEWETT one hundred pounds over and besides his portion.  ITEM; I give to my well-beloved wife Elizabeth as much cloth as shall make her two cassocks and a Kirklees, the one cassock and Kirklees to be of thirty shillings a yard, and the other of twenty shillings a yard and a ring of gold price three pounds.  ITEM; to Christ’s Hospital ten pounds, and I make and ordain my dear and well-beloved friend and cousin Mr Edward OSBORNE Alderman and Henry HEWETT my son my executors, and I give to the said Mr Edward Osborne for his pains taking twenty pounds, and I make and ordain my loving friends William Dummer and John Browne my overseers to see this my last will and testament in all points performed as my special trust is in them, and I give to every of my said overseers for their pains taking six pounds thirteen shillings four pence.  ITEM; I will and my mind is that all such legacies by me in this present will bequeathed shall be paid to such person as be of lawful age to receive it and make sufficient discharge thereof within one year next after my decease, and the rest of my legacies before bequeathed not payable to those that be under age to be paid at such time as is before appointed and not otherwise, and my will and my mind is that if at any time hereafter any ambiguity or doubt shall arise between my wife and children or any of them or between my sons and sons in law or any other controversy whatsoever concerning this my last will and testament or concerning any legacy or part or portion to them or any of them belonging that then all such doubts and controversies shall be from time to time decided and determined by Mr Alderman Osborne and my said overseers, and that every such person and persons as shall disobey and will not stand to and perform such order and determination as my said friends shall determine that then it shall be lawful to the said Mr Alderman Osborne, William Dummer and John Browne to abridge him or them or any of them whosoever as much of their legacy part or portion as they shall think good according to their discretions. And the rest of all my goods chattels jewels plate ready money and debts, my own debts being paid my funeral charges borne and my legacies performed I wholly give and bequeath to my son Henry HEWETT Thomas HEWETT.


Proved 19th June 1576