1575 Robert Vavasor Haberdasher


In the name of God Amen.  The third day of July 1575 and in the 27th year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Queen of England France and Ireland defender of the faith etc; I ROBERT VAVASOR citizen and haberdasher of London being whole of mind and memory but sick in body, laud and praise be given to Almighty God for the same, do make and ordain this my present testament containing herein my last will in manner and form following: that is to say, first and principally I commend my soul to Almighty God my only creator saviour and redeemer and my body to be buried whereas it shall please God to ordaiin for the same; and I will that all such debts and duties as I do owe in right or in conscience to any person or persons shall be well and truly paid by my executors within convenient time after my decease.  ITEM; I will and bequeath to and amongst the five prisons that is to say the two Compters Newgate Ludgate and the Fleet seven pounds and ten shillings that is to say to every of them thirty shillings to be paid unto the prisoners in the same within convenient time after my decease.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto and among the three prisons of the Kings Bench the Marshalsey and the White Lyon four pounds and ten shillings sterling that is to say to every of the same prisons thirty shillings apiece.  ITEM; I will and bequeath unto and amongst the most needy and poor people within the parish wherein I now dwell thirty shillings to be distributed at the discretion of my executors.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to Allice Dawson four pounds of lawful money of England.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to Agnes her maid forty shillings.  ITEM; to my nurse Ryly in Yorkshire eight pounds sterling.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to her daughter Johan five pounds sterling.  ITEM; to James Notte sometime my fellow four pounds sterling.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to my apprentice Myles Elsworth five pounds sterling.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to JOHN VAVISOR my cousin five pounds sterling.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to Godfrye Swayne Bachelor of Arte ten pounds sterling and my riding cloak.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to Robert Barneby four pounds sterling.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to John Ryly haberdasher a black gown.  ITEM; to William Owen a black gown of fourteen shillings the yard.  ITEM; to Richard Lygerd and his wife either of them a black gown of fourteen shillings the yard.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to Thomas Fletcher and his wife either of them a black gown of fourteen shillings the yard and either of them a gold ring of fifty shillings the piece with my crest and arms engraved in them.  ITEM; I bequeath to the said John Ryly a ring of gold price three pounds with my crest and arms engraved in it.  ITEM; I give will and bequeath to the said Robert Legerde a ring of gold price fifty shillings with my arms engraved in it.  ITEM; I give will and bequeath to William Owen citizen and haberdasher of London my partner four score pounds of lawful money of England.  ITEM; to Robert Shutt haberdasher and his wife either of them a black gown of fourteen shillings the yard.  ITEM; to Thomas Shutt haberdasher my best black gown.  ITEM; I bequeath to Ambrose Robinson my Spanish cape with the three yards of taffeta.  ITEM;  I give and bequeath unto Christs Hospital in London to the use of the poor children there five pounds sterling.  ITEM; I will my body to be buried in the Parish Church of Saint Magnus the Martyr in the North Isle and that Mr Crowly shall make a sermon for me on the day of my burial and I bequeath to him for his pains ten shillings and I will there shall be delivered unto him thirty shillings in money to be distributed at his discretion to needy poor people.  ITEM; I bequeath unto six of the poor men of the Company of Haberdashers every of them a gown of six shillings the yard.  ITEM; I bequeath to Elizabeth Beade my keeper a black gown of fourteen shillings the yard and ten shillings.  ITEM; I bequeath unto and amongst such of the yeomanry of the haberdashers in London as shall be at my burial five pounds in money to be spent amongst them for a recreation.  ITEM; I will give and bequeath unto the maintenance of the poor mens children at school in Kirkeby Overblowes in the County of Yorkshire the sum of ten pounds of lawful money of England which I will shall be delivered to John Redman of Kyerby in the said parish of Kyerby yeoman by him to be employed to the use and maintenance of the said poor children at school as aforesaid as my trust is he will.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to Gyles Holden eight shillings in money and three new shirts.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my Cousin John Vavasor in Fleet Street twenty pounds of lawful money of England.  ITEM; I bequeath to Thomas Thomas a gold ring in value twenty shillings for a remembrance.  The whole residue of all and singular my goods chattels ready money and debts whatsoever they be and wheresoever they may be found after my debts paid which I will shall be truly paid and discharged the legacies and bequests in this my last testament contained being performed and fulfilled and my funeral charges and expenses being done and accomplished I do wholly will give and bequeath unto and amongst the said John Kylye and William Owen citizens and haberdashers of London equally between them to be divided which said John Kyly and William Owen I do make ordain name and appoint executors of this my present testament and last will; and of the execution of the same I name and appoint my trusty friends Thomas Burdet haberdasher and Thomas Thomas mercer my overseers and I give unto the said Thomas Burdet for a remembrance a ring of gold in value twenty shillings and I do utterly revoke and annul all and every former wills testaments legacies bequests executors and overseers by me before this testament made named called or bequeathed and I will this my present testament together with the legacies bequests executors and overseers herein contained shall stand for my very last will and testament and none other or otherwise.  In witness whereof I the said Robert Vavasor to this my present testament and last will have set my hand and seal the day and year above written – Robert Vavasor – witnesses at the reading subscribing sealing and delivery hereof Richard Gall senior William Letchworth Thomas Loughton


Proved 15th July 1575 by John Ryly and William Owen (executors)


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