1568 Sir John Yorke


In the name of God Amen, I Sir John YORKE of the City of York, Knight, calling to mind the uncertain time that all living creatures have in this world and that the end of our days are not known unto us, have thought now good during the time of my health to establish and dispose of my worldly possessions and goods by my last will and testament to the intent that hereafter or whensoever it shall please Almighty God to call me to his mercy, that I shall not be troubled with any worldly cares or troubles, but wholly to (addict) my whole heart and mind upon heavenly and godly cares purposes and desires for the health of my soul; these causes now considered, I ordain and make this my last will and testament the sixth day of April in the year of our Lord God a thousand five hundred three score and two (1562) and in the fourth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Queen of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc., in manner and form following:  First I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God the creator of all the world and in Jesus Christ his only son our Saviour through whose death and passion I undoubtedly believe to have full release and remission of all my sins and to be partake of the heavenly joys promised to all Christian and faithful creatures, and do fully acknowledge all the works that I have ever done or will do, to be as one of them (place) of no effect or worthy to attain my (form) at God’s hands; Secondly I will that my body shall be buried within the church of St John’s at (Owlbridge) and if it please God that I die within the City of York or otherwise as it shall please my executors and I will that my funerals shall be made and be bestowed upon at my burial as shall be thought decent by my executors and supervisors of this my last will and I will, give and bequeath unto William YORK my son my whole manor of Pedderthorpe in the County of York and all other my lands, rents, tenements, reversions and premises with all and singular the appurtenances in Pedderthorpe aforesaid, to have and to hold the same premises with all and singular their appurtenances to the said William York and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue then I will the same manor and other the premises shall wholly remain to my son Peter YORK and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue then I will that the same manor and premises shall wholly remain to my son Edmond YORK and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue then I will that the same manor and other the premises shall wholly remain to my son Rowland YORK and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue then I will that the same manor and other the premises shall wholly remain unto my son Edward YORK and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue then I will that the said manor and other the premises shall wholly remain to my son Henry YORK and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue then I will that the same manor and other the premises shall wholly remain and come to my right heirs forever.  ALSO; I give, will and bequeath to my said son Edmond York the manor of Sledmere with the appurtenances in the County of York and all other my lands, tenements, rents, reversions and premises with their appurtenances in Sledmere aforesaid, to have and to hold the said manor and other the premises in Sledmere with all and singular their appurtenances to the said Edmond and to the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue then I will that the said manor of Sledmere and other the premises in Sledmere shall wholly remain unto the said Peter York and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue then I will that the said manor of Sledmere and other the premises in Sledmere in the County of York shall remain to the said William Yorke and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue then I will that the said manor of Sledmere and other the premises in Sledmere shall wholly remain unto the said Rowland York and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue then I will that the said manor of Sledmere and other the premises in Sledmere shall wholly remain to the said Edward Yorke and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue then I will that the said manor of Sledmere and other the premises in Sledmere shall wholly remain to the said Henry York and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue then I will the said manor of Sledmere and other the premises in Sledmere shall wholly remain and come to the right heirs of me the said Sir John Yorke forever.  ALSO I give will and bequeath unto the said Rowland Yorke and Edward Yorke the manor of Budston in the County of York and all other my lands tenements rents reversions fines and hereditaments in Budston aforesaid, to have and to hold the said manor of Budston and other the premises in Budston to the said Edward York and Rowland Yorke and their heirs males of their several bodies lawfully begotten, and if it happen the said Rowland Yorke to die without heirs males of his body lawfully begotten then I will that that moiety and half that the said Rowland should have by force of this my bequest shall remain to the said Peter Yorke and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue then I will that so much of the said manor and other the premises in Budston as shall for want of such issue male of either of the bodies of the said Rowland and Edward come and remain to the said Peter or the heirs males of his body shall remain to the said William Yorke and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for default of issue the remainder thereof to the said Edmond Yorke and to the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue, the remainder to the said Henry and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue the remainder to the right heirs of me the said Sir John Yorke forever.  AND ALSO I give and bequeath to the said Henry Yorke all my messuages, lands, tenements, rents, reversions and premises with their appurtenances in Heselthorpe, Sherburne and Leigh in the said County of Yorke and one mansion house set, standing and being in Copper Lane in London and all cellars, shops, (xxx) and voidances to the said mansion house belonging, to have and to hold the said messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments with their appurtenances  in Heselthorpe, Sherburne and Leith in the said County of York and the said mansion house and other the premises set in Copper Lane in London to the said Henry Yorke and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue males, then I will that the same lands, messuages, tenements and reversions to the said Henry last before bequeathed shall wholly remain to the said Peter Yorke and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue then I will that the said last recited premises with the appurtenances which were lately bequeathed to the said Henry Yorke shall remain to the said William Yorke and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for default of such issue then I will that the said last recited bequest to the said Henry Yorke shall wholly remain to the said Edmond York and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue then I will that the said last recited premises bequeathed to the said Henry shall wholly remain to the said Rowland Yorke and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue then I will that the said last recited premises shall come to the said Edward Yorke and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, and for and in default of such issue the same to remain to the right heirs of me, the said Sir John Yorke forever.  ALSO I give and bequeath unto my son Peter Yorke my great porringed basin and ewer of silver double gifted and my great cross of gold set with diamonds and my chain of gold and my ring or signet to be delivered him after the death of my wife or before if my wife shall think good, so that the said Peter Yorke will be bound to my wife by his deed obligation in the sum of five hundred marks that he shall not (lien) sell, give, bequeath or otherwise leave or put away the same or any of them but only to his son and heir or to such other of his brethren or their heirs as shall be his heirs males if he shall chance to die without heirs males of his body lawfully begotten, for my full whole and perfect will and mind is that the said basin and ewer, cross of gold, chain and ring and every parcel of them shall abide remain and continue with them that shall chance to be the heirs male of my body or any of their heirs males successively without (variation) exchange, device or other means to hinder the same.  AND I give and bequeath unto my son Edmond Yorke my best agate set in gold and my second gilt basin and ewer after such manner and form and upon such condition as the last recited bequest is bequeathed to my son Peter.  ALSO I give and bequeath unto my daughter Jane YORKE the sum of a thousand marks in money to be taken of my goods and my second cross of diamonds and for the preferment of her marriage in full recompense satisfaction and payment of her child’s portion of all my goods and chattels.  ALSO I bequeath to my son-in-law William HYLTON a button of gold with a pointed diamond set (xxx) to make him a ring upon, and I bequeath unto my daughter HYLTON an agate set in gold with four diamonds on the sides of it.  AND all the residue of my goods and chattels , moveable and immovable, plate, jewels, my debts and legacies paid and performed I give wholly unto my said wife to dispose at her pleasure amongst my children, and I make her the sole executrix of this my last will and testament, and I make my son Peter Yorke and my son-in-law William Hylton  the supervisors of this my last will and testament, and I give and bequeath unto either of them for their pains therein to be taken the sum of ten pounds. In witness hereof I have to this my will subscribed my same and set my seal in the presence of those persons whose names are under written witnesses of the will; William Watson, Robert (Pocock), William Hylton, Peter Yorke, Thomas Layton, George Lightfoot.  FURTHER I will and bequeath by this my last will and to my son Peter Yorke my manors, lands and tenements in Netherdale, Answicke, (Aplewenicke) and (Kinsirge) in the County of York and my (capital) messuages in York and London to such uses and intents as are mentioned and declared in certain covenants comprised in a parcel of indentures which are made between me and Sir William Ingleby for and concerning the marriage of my said son  to his now wife to the uses whereof I have acknowledged a fine before the judge.  ALSO I will and bequeath to my son Edmond all my whole sums of money and stock which I have being (in the porage of Merestown) which is as I remember about the sum of two hundred 18 pounds or thereabouts together with the increase of the same stock.  AND I give to my brother ROBOTHAM a gilded cup with a cover.  And I give and bequeath unto my said son Edmond all my lands and tenements in Morton and Bishopshall and all other my lands and tenements that I lately had of Richard YORKE to have and to hold to the said Edmond and the heirs males of his body with like remainders over as are above written in these indentures of other lands before to him bequeathed.  The witnesses of this last recited bequests: William Barnard, Thomas Layton, Robert Mastowe, Richard Pryes, and other of the house.

Proved 10th February 1568 by Elizabeth, the widow of the deceased