In the name of God, Amen. The first day of August in the year of our Lord God 1560 and in the second year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Queen of England France and Ireland defender of the faith, etc., I Dionyse LEVESON widow late the wife of Nicholas LEVESON late citizen & mercer of the City of London and Merchant of the Staple whose soul Jesus pardon being of good and perfect memory laud and praise be therefore unto Almighty God do make & ordain this my present testament and last will in manner and form following, that is to wit. First and principally I give and recommend my soul unto Almighty God my maker and redeemer and to our blessed lady St Mary and unto all the holy company of heaven, and my body to be buried in the parish church of St Andrew Undershaft in the City of London aforesaid in the middle aisle of the same church at the end of the pew that I commonly used to kneel in. ITEM; I will that my body be not feared but enclosed after a convenient manner within a coffin of boards and so buried as abovesaid by the discretion of my executors and I will that my said executors shall provide and buy to occupy at my burial one dozen of staff torches with such other lights as they shall think meet and convenient and as the time shall then require. And I bequeath to twelve poor men and householders dwelling within the parish of Saint Andrew Undershaft to every one of them a black gown price five shillings the yard, and my will is that my executors shall have all the parishioners of the said parish of St Andrew Undershaft at my dwelling house in Lime Street in London as well the poor as other within two days next after my burial, and there shall make them a convenient dinner. ITEM; I bequeath to sixteen poor widows dwelling in the said parish of St Andrew Undershaft to pray for my soul sixteen black gowns at five shillings the yard, and also I bequeath to every of the said poor widows one all of linen cloths at two shillings the all to make every of them a kerchief. ITEM; I bequeath towards the exhibition of poor scholars in the University of Cambridge where my sons late went to school six pounds eight shillings and three pence the same to be bestowed and distributed by the discretion of my executors within one year next after my decease; also I give and bequeath towards the exhibition of poor scholars in the University of Oxford six pounds eight shillings and three pence the same to be likewise bestowed and distributed by the discretion of my executors within the said one year next after my decease. ITEM; I bequeath unto the reparation and amending of the highways at Islington and here about London twenty pounds which sum of twenty pounds I will shall be bestowed accordingly by the discretion of my executors within one year next after my decease; also I bequeath six pounds eight shillings and three pence to be distributed for my soul by my executors within one year next after my decease unto the discharging out of prison of such poor prisoners which shall then remain in Newgate and in the two Counters in London only for their fees. ITEM; I bequeath six pounds eight shillings and three pence to be distributed among the poor householders of the said parish of St Andrew Undershaft by the discretion of my executors at Easter Whitsunday and Christmas next after my decease that is to wit to every of the said householders three pence at a time. ITEM; I give and bequeath to the poor people of St Bartholemew spittal six pounds eight shillings and three pence to be paid within one year next after my decease to the governors of the same house. ITEM; I give and bequeath twenty shillings to be distributed in alms amongst the poor householders of the parish of Halling in Kent within one month next after my decease and other twenty shillings to be likewise distributed unto the poor householders of Cockstone parish in Kent. ITEM; I bequeath to every of these wives under written dwelling in Cockstone aforesaid an all of linen cloth price three shillings and four pence to make every of them a kerchief that is to wit: Baynard’s wife, Lyndall’s wife, Cosen’s wife the younger, and late wife of Richard Allett. ITEM; I will that my executors shall upon my costs and charge keep my house in London for all my servants with meat and drink for them one month next after my decease or else until they do otherwise provide for themselves. ITEM; I will that no black gowns be given for me unto any other person than unto the poor people above expressed and unto certain other hereafter named in this my present last will and testament that is to say unto my friend John Southcote, sergeant at law and unto my executors of this my last will and testament and to their wives and unto the other of my children and their husbands and wives unto every of which persons and to my said executors and their wives and also my other children their husbands and wives I bequeath a black gown cloth the price to be eighteen shillings the yard or thereabouts and I bequeath to every of my household servants in London being in my service at the time of my decease a black gown cloth of ten shillings price the yard and I bequeath two cloak cloths of the same cloth, the one to Thomas Shepparde and the other to John Aldely and also I bequeath to either of them two shillings and ten pence to pray for my soul [xxx]. ITEM; I bequeath to my neighbour Mr Swallow and to his wife to either of them a honest black gown cloth. ITEM; I bequeath to Henry Edis and his wife to either of them a black gown cloth and to all other my tenants in Lime Street to every of them a black coat cloth. ITEM; I bequeath to Henry Allen the younger a black coat cloth and twenty shillings in money. ITEM; I bequeath to Byrden Hayes John Byddyll Romney and to old Mayle my tenants to every of them a coat cloth of nine shillings the yard and to any of them three shillings and three pence in money, and I will that four of my said tenants shall bear my body to church, also I bequeath to John Fallowfield my apprentice twenty pounds to be employed by my executors in wool or fell at the next shipping within one month after my decease unto the use of my said apprentice if there be any shipping within one month next after my decease, if not then my said executors to deliver the said sum of twenty pounds to the said John Fallowfield within one month next after my decease to bestow to his most advantage. ITEM; I bequeath to my cousin COLDWELL and Diones his wife to either of them a black gown cloth. ITEM; I bequeath unto my cousin Ann BUTLER ten pounds to be paid to her at the day of her marriage. ITEM; I bequeath unto Thomas HEWET cloth worker, Edward OSBURNE and to Lewis the tailor dwelling within Aldersgate in London to every of them a gown cloth. ITEM; I give and bequeath to Mrs Fisher a black gown cloth of the value of twenty shillings and ten shillings in money. ITEM; I give and bequeath to William Barret son of my cousin Anne TYRRELL sometime [xxx] wife deceased twenty pounds the same to be delivered immediately after my decease by my executors to my son William LEVESON to be kept for the said William until he come to his full age of twenty one years and I will that from and immediately after my decease my said son William Leveson shall find the said William meat drink learning and all other necessaries during his minority and also I will that my executors shall pay to my said son William Leveson towards the finding of the said William yearly after my decease until he the said William shall accomplish the age of fourteen years five pounds and I will that when he the said William shall accomplish the age of fourteen years that then my said son William Leveson shall take him to his apprentice and bring him up in such trade of [xxx] as my said son William Leveson now uses and when the said William shall come forth of his apprenticeship or accomplish the age of twenty one years then my said son William Leveson his executors administrators or assigns shall bestow in wool or fell to and for the only use of the said William the said sum of twenty pounds, and if it happen the said William to decease before he shall come to and accomplish the age of twenty one years then as now and now as then I will that the said twenty pounds shall be divided among the children of my son William STRETE and of my daughter Dionice his wife, and I bequeath to Dionys the girl of my kitchen forty shillings to be paid to her the day of her marriage if she keep herself honest and true; also I bequeath to Robert Allen tailor and Jone his wife to either of them a black gown cloth of the value of twenty shillings. ITEM; I bequeath to every of those persons to every of those persons next hereafter written a plain ring of gold of the value of forty shillings to wear for a remembrance of me, that is to wit, to my son William HEWET to my son Edward CALTHORPE, my son William STREATE and my said friend John Southcote, to my sons Thomas LEVESON, Nicholas LEVESON and William LEVESON. Also I bequeath so for every of my daughters a ring of gold of the value of thirty shillings for a like remembrance. Also I will and bequeath unto every of those my loving friends hereafter written a ring of gold of the value of thirty shillings. That is to wit unto the Lady Dorothy Brooke late wife of Sir Robert Brooke knight, to the Lady Dormer of London, to my cousin Jone CRAYFORD, to my cousin Thomas COLSHILL and to his wife either of them a ring to the wife of Allen Wood of Snodland deceased, to my [gossxx] HEWET brother to my son William Hewet and Edward OSBORNE. Also I will that all and every the rings above bequeathed be made like flat hoops and with convenient speed immediately after my decease and to be given at my month’s mind at the furthest and that within every of the said rings be engraved see ye forget not me. And I bequeath to every of my children’s children living at the day of my decease ten pounds towards their marriages except Anne HEWET and Dionys VAUGHAN and also except the children of my son Thomas LEVESON and except my daughter DAWBENET’s children unto every of which Dawbenet’s children I give a gold ring of thirty shillings and also I bequeath unto every of the children of my said son Thomas LEVESON now being born twenty pounds apiece; and if it happen any of my children’s children to whom I have given ten pounds apiece as is aforesaid to die or decease before their lawful ages of twenty one years or days of marriages that then the survivor or survivors of them being brothers or sisters or brother or sister to them deceased shall have and enjoy their parts so deceased equally among them to be divided. Also I bequeath to my goddaughter Anne HEWET one hundred marks to be paid to her by my executors at the day of her marriage. ITEM; I bequeath to Dionys VAUGHAN my goddaughter forty pounds. Also I give and bequeath to my goddaughter Dionys CALTHORPE daughter to my daughter Mary CALTHORPE over and besides the ten pounds to her bequeathed forty pounds to be delivered to her at the day of her marriage or at the age of eighteen years by the discretion of my executors, and John Fallowfield my servant to keep the same money until her said marriage or age finding good securities for the payment thereof if he live so long if not then my executors to keep the same until her said marriage or age of eighteen years as aforesaid. ITEM; I bequeath yearly to the said Dionys Calthorpp five marks of lawful money of England to be paid to her yearly by my executors towards her finding and godly bringing up until the time her said marriages or age of eighteen years. ITEM; I give and bequeath to my cousin Arthur CRAYFORD, Nicholas CRAYFORD, and Edward CRAYFORD ten pounds to be paid to them equally and quarterly forty shillings until the same be lawful paid, also I bequeath to my cousin John CRAYFORD twenty pounds. Also I bequeath to my said cousin COLSHILL and his wife either of them a black gown. ITEM; to my servant John [Finunden] six pounds eight shillings and four pence. Also I bequeath to Walter Danonks my late servant forty shillings and a coat cloth and release and forgive unto him the five pounds that he owes me by bill. ITEM; I bequeath to every of my other servants in London being in my service at the time of my decease twenty shillings. ITEM; I bequeath to every of my servants being at Halling and in my service at the day of my decease three shillings and four pence in money. Also I give and bequeath to my son Thomas LEVESON all my household stuff and brewing vessels whatsoever at my house at Halling in Kent, and I will that all my corn grain hay and cattle and all other my goods and chattels whatsoever they be remaining at Halling and Cockstone he said County of Kent except my said household stuff shall be appraised and sold by my executors for and towards the performance of this my present last will and testament except my three best kine there which three kine I bequeath the one cow to one [blank] Cose and another cow to John Dawesbury [servant] and the third to Thomas Shepard. ITEM; I bequeath to my daughter Dame Alice HEWET my tine of silver and gilt that Dame Jane BRADBURY my mother gave to me and also a standing cup of silver and gilt with eight pearls and wrought with flowers upon it and my chain of gold with wreaths. ITEM; I bequeath to Edmonde CALTHORPE twenty pounds of lawful money of England to be paid to him by my executors immediately after my decease. ITEM; I bequeath to every of the sons of my brother James LEVESON a ring of gold of the value of ten pounds. ITEM; I bequeath to Henry Planckney a black gown cloth and a ring of gold of the value of thirty shillings for the good friendship and diligence that I have found in him. ITEM; I bequeath to Jenkins the tailor dwelling in Fillpott Lane a black gown cloth. ITEM; I give and bequeath to Roger Barney a black gown cloth. ITEM; I give and bequeath all my rings and chains of gold and all other my jewels whatsoever they be except before given and all my wearing apparel to my daughters Dionys STRETE and Mary CALTHORPE to be divided among them equally portion and portion like immediately after my decease. Also I bequeath to my daughter Thomas Leveson’s wife ten pounds to buy her such a jewel as she thinks convenient to pray for my soul. ITEM; I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary CALTHORPE the bedstead and all the bedding hanging chests and all other such implements of household goods and chattels whatsoever they be now being in the tower chamber within my house in Lime Street in London in which chamber the said Mary commonly used to lie. ITEM; I bequeath more unto my said daughter Mary Calthorpe the bedstead and all the bedding whatsoever it be in the chamber where I the said Dionys Leveson do commonly use to lie except hangings of the same chamber which hangings I bequeath to my son Thomas LEVESON. ITEM; I bequeath to my said son Thomas Leveson all the hangings curtains ceiling and portals in my parlour and hall in Lime Street aforesaid and four tables there that is to wit the two best tables in the parlour and the two best tables in the hall and all the bedsteads hanging cupboards and [testorns] of bedding in the great chamber where the chapel is and in the chamber called Mr Roper’s Chamber being the next chamber to the said great chamber and all the hangings in every of my other chambers in Lime Street aforesaid except all those hangings in the tower chamber which I have before given to my said daughter Mary CALTHORPE. ITEM; I give to my son William LEVESON all the bedding and other stuff whatsoever in the chamber where the said William commonly uses to lie within my house in London. Also I bequeath to the Company of Mercers in London ten pounds to make them a breakfast or other banquet as it shall please the master and wardens to appoint within one month next after my decease, and I make and ordain my well-beloved son-in-law Sir William HEWET Knight and Alderman of London, my cousin Edward LEVESON and John Southcote Sergeant at Law my executors of this my present testament and I bequeath to every of them for his labour in that behalf twenty pounds of current money of England, and I make and ordain my sons Thomas LEVESON, Nicholas LEVESON, and William LEVESON and my son-in-law William STRETE and Henry Planckney supervisors or overseers of the same with as much authority as can be devised for overseers to have and I give and bequeath to every of my said overseers or supervisors twenty pounds apiece for their pains to see this my present testament faithfully and truly performed executed and done. The residue of all and singular my goods chattels household stuff plate and other moveables whatsoever they be, my debts, funerals and legacies being performed paid and this my present testament and last will in all points being performed I fully and wholly give to Thomas Leveson, Nicholas Leveson and William Leveson my sons and to my daughters Dyones Streete and Mary CALTHORPE equally and indifferently amongst them to be divided by the oversight of my executors or the survivors of them and also I will that if any of my sons do attempt to break any part of their father’s will or [of] this my present testament and last will by suite in the law entry [atton] or seizure that then the same child so offending shall take no legacy benefit or profit by this my present testament and last will anything herein above expressed to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding, and I the said Denys LEVESON do utterly revoke and annul all and every other former testaments legacies bequests executors and overseers by me in any wise before this time made named willed and bequeathed concerning my goods. And I will that this my present testament shall stand remain and abide only for my very testament concerning my goods together with all the legacies bequests executors and overseers by me herein made named willed and bequeathed and none other in other wise. In witness whereof to this my present testament I the said Diones Leveson have put my seal [xxx] the day and year above written in the presence of us whose names be here under written called as witnesses thereunto – Henry Edesmark, John Fallowfield, William Welsh.
To all [christian] people to whom this present writing shall come Diones Leveson widow late wife of Nicholas Leveson Citizen and Mercer of London and Merchant of the Staple deceased sends greetings in our Lord God everlasting know all people that I the said Diones Leveson by these presents do make ordain and constitute my last will concerning my lands tenements and hereditaments here under written in manner and form following that is to say I will and bequeath unto my right trusty and well beloved friends Sir William HEWET Knight Alderman of London and now Lord Mayor of the said City, my cousin Edward LEVESON and John Southcote Sergeant at Law and to their heirs for ever all and singular my lands tenements meadows [bersiners] pastures [fredings] woods rents reversions suits and premises and other my hereditaments whatsoever with all and singular their appurtenances set lying and being at Stamfeeld Hylles in the parish of Tottenham in the county of Middlesex or elsewhere in the said parish which I late purchased and bought of Jasper Ffessante and I will that the said Sir William HEWET Edward Leveson and John Southcote or the survivor or survivors of them shall bargain and sell the said lands tenements and other the premises with their appurtenances to such as will gain most money for the same and the money thereof coming and to be received I will that the same shall go and be employed by my executors for and towards the performance of my last will and testament touching and concerning my goods and chattels; also I will and bequeath to William Leveson my son all that my manor of West Court with the appurtenances and all those my four four meases four gifts ijd acres of land one hundred acres of meadow ijd acres of pasture forty acres of wood and eight shillings and ten pence of nt to have and to hold all and singular the said manor lands tenements and other the premises with the appurtenances last before expressed to the said William Leveson and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for default of such issue of the body of the said William Leveson lawfully begotten I will that the same manor and other the premises with their appurtenances last before expressed shall remain to Thomas Leveson and John LEVESON son of Thomas Leveson my son and heir and to their heirs forever, and I give will and bequeath to the said William Leveson my son all that my meases or tenements with the appurtenances set lying and being in Lime Street in London and now in the tenure and occupation of one Henry Edys with all shops cellars seller’s chambers and other the appurtenances and all other the premises with the appurtenances now in the tenure of the said Henry Edys to the said William Leveson and his heirs forever to the intent that the said William and his heirs shall suffer Mary Calthropp my daughter during her life to dwell and inhabit in the said mease or tenement and to take her own use all advantages and profits thereof and of all other the premises with the appurtenances thereto belonging freely and without paying my rent or other thing for the time during her life or else shall yearly pay or cause to be paid to the said Mary Calthropp during her life at her election all those yearly rents and the said mease or tenements and other the premises thereto belonging shall or may then be let at without fraud or [cowyn] and I will that the said Henry Edis shall not be put out of the said tenement under one year’s warning; and I further will to the said Thomas Leveson the son of Thomas Leveson my son for and towards his finding all that my capital mease barn stable garden and orchard with their appurtenances set lying and being at Limehouse in the County of Middlesex and all my land meadow and pasture with the appurtenances in Limehouse aforesaid to have and to hold the said capital mease and all other the premises with the appurtenances in Limehouse aforesaid to the said Thomas Leveson the son of the said Thomas Leveson my son and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for default of such issue I will the same to remain to my son Thomas Leveson his father and to his heirs forever; and I give will and bequeath to the said Thomas Leveson my son all the cite of the late chapel of Saint Laurence in Halling in the County of Kent and all my meases lands tenements and hereditaments in Up Halling Nether Halling and Snodland to the said chapel belonging and all my interest state and title which I have of and in the same parcel of land called The Welde set lying and being in the parish of Nether Halling in the said County of Kent which contains by estimation eight acres more or less and all that parcel of land called the Combe set lying and being upon and adjoining unto Wyngate Hill in the said parish of Halling which two parcels of land I have and hold by lease for ten of certain years yet enduring under the yearly rent of twenty shillings by year; also I give devise will and bequeath to the said Thomas Leveson my son all my interest state title possession and term of years of and in the meases tenements and land hereafter expressed that is to say which I have to come of and in all that mease tenement and garden with the appurtenances set lying and being in the said parish of Halling in the said County of Kent which mease tenement and garden I have and hold by lease for term of certain years enduring under the yearly rent of four shillings by year; and all my interest state title possession and term of years which I have yet to come of and in one piece of [m’she (marsh?)] land in Halling aforesaid containing by estimation one acre and a half which piece of [marsh] land I likewise have and hold by lease for term of certain years yet enduring under the yearly rent of two shillings by year and all my interest state title possession and term of years which I have to come of and in all that ground land and wood called Priests Down which I have and hold for term of certain years enduring under the yearly rent of twelve shillings by year to have and to hold all the said mease tenements garden [marsh] land ground wood and other the premises with the appurtenances which I have in lease and all my interest state title possession and term of years of and in the same unto the said Thomas Leveson my said son unto the end and [xx] of all the residue of the years yet to come of and in the same. In witness whereof I the said Diones Leveson to this my present will conveying the premises have put my seal this thirteenth day of March in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Queen of England France and Ireland defender of the faith etc. This will was sealed and subscribed by the said Diones Leveson in their presence of us whose names are here under written being called as witnesses thereunto – Henry Edismarke, John Ffallowfelde, William Welshe
Proved twentieth day of December 1560 by William Hewet, Edward Leveson and John Southcote