This is the last will and testament of me Robert NORWICH knight, Chief Justice of the Common Place; first I bequeath my soul to Almighty God, and my body to be buried in the White Friars of London in the Chapel of Saint Nicolas under the grate there where I am wont to sit and hear mass, if it please God to call me to his mercy within the said city. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto Dame Julyan NORWICH my wife all my manors lands and tenements whatsoever they be and wheresoever they be within the realm of England both free and copy, to have to her for term of her life without any impeachment of [nust] and after her decease I wii that John NORYES her son and Kathryn his wife shall have all the same manors lands and tenements to them during their natural lives and the longer liver of them if my said wife Be thereunto agreeable and after the decease of my said wife and the said John Norrys and Katheryn all the same manors lands and tenements to be unto my said wife her heirs and assigns forever, and at her will and disposition to give set and bequeath where she shall think good and convenient. ITEM; I will that Dame Isabel my sister being a nun in the priory of the monastery of Kempster in the County of Sussex shall have 10 pounds yearly during her life out of my manors lands and tenements to be paid at the feasts of All Saints and Pentecost by even portions. ITEM; I will that (blank) Cobde shall have during his life forty shillings yearly out of those lands that I bought of him in South Wookenton in the County of Essex and that also that he be paid clearly and contented of such sums of money as I yet owe unto him for the purchase of the same landswhich I suppose is 30 pounds or under. Also I give and bequeath unto my said wife all manner lands and tenements whatsoever they be which I have for term of years in use or possession and all my goods and chattels whatsoever they be within the realm of England to keep give sell and use as her own proper goods and at her own free will and pleasure, and of this my present last will and testament I make and ordain my said wife my only and sole executor, and supervisor of the same my brother Sir John TYRELL knight and my cousin Francis MOUNTFORD Esquire and the said John Norys, and my wife to reward them for such pains as they shall take about the same as she shall think good by her discretion. Witnesses Humfrey TYRELL, Thomas Dudley, John Ball, Thomas Legate and John Bastard.
Proved 1st May 1535