In the name of Almighty God and the Holy Trinity in whom I steadfastly believe and by whom and by the merits of the [xxx]and most bitter and painful passion and death of Jesus Christ our Saviour and Redeemer and by our holy church, I Dame Johanne BRADBURY of London widow late wife and executor to the testament of Thomas BRADBURY late Mayor of the City of London deceased, trusting to be saved and to be partaken of the joys of Heaven, and I being of whole mind thanks be to Jesus in the second day of March in the year of our Lord God 1529 (1530) and in the twenty first year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King Henry VIII by the grace of God King of England and of France defender of the Faith and Lord of Ireland lauding and praising thereof be to Almighty God; and considering that there is nothing so certain in this world to man as death and that the time thereof is most uncertain wherefore I for the health of my soul and the profits of my unsanguinity and [xxx] make and ordain this my present testament and last will in manner and form following, that is to say: First I bequeath my soul unto Almighty God our blessed Lady Saint Mary and to all the holy company of Heaven; and my body to be buried in the tomb where as my said late husband Thomas Bradbury lies, that is to say in the Chapel of our Lady within the church of Saint Stephens in Coleman Street of London. ITEM; I will that my executors under named in the day that it shall please God to take me out of this transitory life or on the morrow shall cause to be sung and said at every of the five orders of friars within the City of London and triquintal of masses and I require the same orders of friars that they come to my burial and there to pray for my soul and all Christian souls and I will that every of them priors or wardens of the same five orders shall have for the same twenty shillings. ITEM; I will and bequeath to him that shall be vicar of the church of Saint Stephen in Coleman Street at the time of my decease for my offering [xxx] forgotten twenty shillings. And I bequeath to the parish priest there being the time of my decease a black gown cloth to pray for my soul and all Christian souls. ITEM; I will that in the same day that I shall decease or on the morrow following my executors shall cause to be sung and said in the said church of Saint Stephen in Coleman Street a quintal of masses for my soul and all Christian souls by secular priests that be void and destitute of favours as near as they can be gotten and being of honest life and conversation. ITEM; I bequeath to the seven gaols or prisons in and about London that is to say the two Counters Ludgate Newgate the Fleet the Kings Bench and the Marshallsea seven pounds among them to be distributed in bread and other vital within a month next after my decease by the discretion of my executors. ITEM; I will that all debt making I shall owe to any person or persons at the time of my death shall be to them paid by my executors in a short time after as conveniently may be; also I will that if I have done any injury or wrong to any person or persons and have not therefore made satisfaction or amends to the pain and that proved before my executors and overseers then I will that my executors shall make due recompense to the parties grieved. ITEM; I will that my executors fulfil and perform any the testament and last will of my said late husband Thomas Bradbury in everything thereof not executed performed nor done. ITEM; I bequeath to my lady Reede a black gown cloth and a ring of mine of gold of the value of ten pounds. ITEM; I bequeath to my cousin Sir William BOTILLER and to my lady his wife each of them a black gown cloth. ITEM; I bequeath to Sir John Allen Alderman and to my lady his wife either of them a convenient black gown. ITEM; I bequeath to my cousin Guy CRAFFORD and my cousin Johanne his wife[1] each of them a black gown cloth. ITEM; I bequeath to the prior of Christchurch in London a black gown cloth and twenty shillings of money and to the Convent of the same place twenty shillings to pray for my soul and all Christian souls. ITEM; I bequeath to the abbot of Stratford to buy him a black cope twenty shillings. ITEM; I bequeath to and among the convent of the same place for a dirge and mass to be sung in the convent church for soul immediately after my decease twenty shillings. ITEM; I bequeath to Bawde’s widow a black gown cloth. ITEM; I bequeath to every of my household servants as well men and women being with me in service at my decease a black gown cloth and ten pounds of money. ITEM; I bequeath to my Lord Bishop of Saint Asse ten pounds to buy [them] such apparel as shall please him and to wear it for my sake. ITEM; I bequeath equally to be divided among the twelve sisters of Elsinore spitball twelve shillings to pray for my soul. ITEM; I bequeath to my son in law Nicholas LEVESON the lease and term of years which I have in my house at Stratford and my household stuff in that house being. Also I bequeath to the same Nicolas Leveson the feather bed whereupon I currently use to lie and my best Coverley and pair of sustenance blankets and the chest that my plate is in and all the apparel of the chamber wherein I currently use to lodge. ITEM; I bequeath to the said Nicholas Leveson and Denys his wife my daughter my two pottall pots of silver all gilt and my six bowls of silver with the [roms] all gilt which he has already. Also I bequeath to the said Guy Crafford and Johanne his wife the featherbed bolster camelet hanging and all other stuff lying and being in the chamber where the same Guy and Johanne now use to lie with [xxx xxx xxx xxx] and all other goods and stuff there being. ITEM; I bequeath to the same Guy Crafford and Johanne his wife a dozen of silver spoons with [xxx] at the end and my salt seller with the cover all gilt called the [xxx] goblet. ITEM; I bequeath to the children of the same Guy Crafford and Johanne his wife and to the child that she goeth with among them equally to be divided and delivered at their full age or marriage thirty pounds in ready money. ITEM; I bequeath to Mary the daughter ten pounds over and above her part of the said thirty pounds and if any of them decease before heir full age and marriage the survivor or survivors of them to have the said whole ten pounds. ALSO, I bequeath to Johanne Herne my little maid twenty nobles to be paid to her at her marriage if she [xxx xxx] and in the mean season dwell with my said son Nicholas Leveson and be [revalid] by him and to use herself honestly as a good maid ought to do till she be able to be married. ITEM; I will that my executors or the executors or survivors of them shall make Stephen my lad free of his bondage if I do it not in my lifetime so that he conveniently after my decease dwell with my said son Nicholas Leveson or be otherwise [revalid] by my executors or their executors till that he shall be at [xxx] estate and then I will to be paid unto him of my bequest ten pounds. ITEM; I bequeath to [blank] Bradbury so an heir apparent of William Bradbury twenty pounds to him to be paid in seven years next ensuing after my decease that is to say quarterly thirty shillings towards his exhibition and learning. ITEM; I bequeath to either of Maude Hille of Perham and Isabell Parker of Stratford late my [xxx] a black gown cloth and to either of them toward making of her gown ten shillings kind. ALSO I will that all my pewter vessels shall be equally divided by weight and given that is to say the one half to my daughter Leveson and the other half to be distributed and given by the good discretions of my executors. ALSO I bequeath to my daughter Leveson these [xxx] ensuing, that is to say my great kettle wherein I used to [soothe my brown] my new great brass pot and two of my brass pots being next in value to other two being the best pots my best gown furred with foxes and [purcelled] with [xxx] my beads gold my [xxx] of gold garnished with pearl and as well ruby in the middle thereof and also the pair of sheets lying in my chest standing next the window in my maid’s chamber and two my best carpets, and I bequeath all my [droper] towels [droper] table cloths sheets and all other my napery afore or hereafter bequeathed unto my said daughter Leveson saving I will that she shall distribute and deliver to every of my servants dwelling with me the time of my decease two pairs of sheets by her discretion, also to certain of the poor people of the said parish of Saint Stephen part of my old and coarse linen by her whole discretion. Also I bequeath to Johan Crafford six pairs of sheets lying in the chest standing next unto the chest aforesaid, also two plain table clothes two plain towels two pillows of down, also the feather bed which here in my mother’s chamber with the [sparves] being over it, also a pair of new blankets lying upon the same bed a pair of new woollen blankets with [embroidery] the best coverlet that I have except two and two my best lined gowns. Also I bequeath to Humfrey TYRELL the featherbed and bolster being in the [Sparver] silk chamber with the [sparver] of silk the coverlet with the park and the pair of blankets belonging to the same bed. Also I bequeath to the same Humfrey my gilt cup with the [xxx] garnets and my coffer which stands in my dry larder house beneath. Also I bequeath to [mrs] Roper a black gown cloth. Also I bequeath to [blank] the widow of John Smyth fishmonger a black gown cloth and to her daughter being wife of James Beke another gown cloth of black. ITEM; I bequeath to her that was Pemburton’s wife to pray for my soul a black gown lined of my own[xxx] and twenty shillings in money. ITEM; I bequeath to Phillippis Ball’s widow six shillings and eight pence to pray for my soul. ITEM; I bequeath to [Myles’s wife] the founder a black gown of five shillings the yard. ITEM; I bequeath to the School master teaching grammar in Walden a gown cloth of black. ITEM; I bequeath to John Ward collar maker and John Smyth draper of Walden each of them a convenient black gown cloth; also I will that my executors cause to be expended between the days of my burying and month’s mind in the church of Wellingborough in the country of Northampton for an obituary there to be done and alms to be given for the souls of me my husbands and of my father and mother ten pounds. And in likewise in the church of Braughing in Hertford these ten pounds. And in likewise in the church of Manuden in Essex twenty shillings. And in likewise in the church of Black Notley twenty shillings. And in likewise in the church of Walden in Essex ten pounds. Whereof I will that every of the poor folk in the almshouse there shall have twelve pence. And where the said Nicolas Leveson my son has in his possession and keeping of my money two hundred and fifteen pounds sterling which I have preferred to the intent it shall be expended to the honour of Almighty God for the help of my soul, I will and ordain that the sum of two hundred and fifteen pounds shall be expended and stowed in the days and upon the mercies of my burial and funerals and of my money this mind. And thereof I will that they shall distribute to every poor household dwelling in the parish of Saint Stephen in Coleman Street by their discretion six shillings that is to say to every of them in the day of my burying twelve pence. And to every of them in the day of my month’s mind twelve pence. ITEM; I bequeath ten pounds to be bestowed by my executors in all goodly haste after my decease for and about the repairing of the ferry at West Thurrock in Essex for the use and comfort of the people passing the same ferry. ITEM; I bequeath to every of the children of my daughter Leveson’s children being alive at the time of my decease except John LEVESON twenty pounds and if any of them die before they come to lawful age or marriage I will that then the survivor or survivors of them that shall have the part and [prepart] of him or her so decreasing. ITEM; I bequeath to every of the poor bedemen and bedewomen to whom I gave every Sunday one penny a black gown of the same cloth where with my torchbearers shall be clothed. ITEM; I will that twenty poor men of the said parish of Saint Stephen Coleman Street shall hold sixteen torches and four tapers to be provided for my burial. And I bequeath to every of them a gown and a hood of such black cloth as is convenient for such poor men to wear and to them to be delivered ready made and to wear them at my funerals I remit the doing and ordering thereof to the good discretion of my executors and overseers under named and as they shall do therein I hold and accept it for my full will in that behalf. ITEM; I bequeath to Anne TIRRELL daughter to my daughter Elizabeth TIRELL a hundred pounds sterling to her to be delivered in plate the day of her marriage if she marry by the counsel of my executors and after the decease of the sameAnne if she die sole and unmarried I will the same hundred pounds in plate shall be sold by my executors and all the money coming of the sale thereof I will they shall bestow immediately after her decease upon reparation of the water work and amending of the highways most needful to be amended in the parish of West Thurrock in Essex. ITEM; I bequeath to John Keball my old servant a black gown. ITEM; I bequeath to Richard Rowland and Clemence his wife either of them a convenient black gown. The residue of all my goods debts chattels ready money and fuels afore not hereafter bequeathed after my debts paid my funeral charges borne and paid and this my present testament fulfilled I bequeath to my executors under named they to dispose the same in deeds of charity for the health and comfort of my soul by their good discretions; and of this my present testament and last will above written and underwritten I make ordain and constitute my said son Nicholas Leveson and my said daughter Denys his wife to be executors and Master Robert Norwich one of the king’s sergeants at the law to be supervisor; and I give and bequeath to either of the said Nicholas Leveson and Denys his wife for their labours and pains to be sustained in the execution of my said testament and will ten pounds of money; also I give and bequeath to the said Robert Norwich for his advice and counsel towards the exertion aforesaid from time to time as shall be requisite or expedient ten pounds of sterling now and a black gown; and I bequeath to Mrs Norwich his wife a black gown. ITEM; I bequeath to Mary daughter of my Lord Bergavenny my goddaughter my devise or collar of gold weighing seven ounces or thereabouts and god blessing and mind. ITEM; I bequeath to my doctor Bartley a black gown. ITEM; I bequeath to the wife of Edward Reste grocer a black gown. These being witnesses Nicholas Rutland, Richard Lang, notaries public, Guy Crafford, gent, John Blakesley, draper, William Middleton, mercer, William Veer, leather seller, citizens of London and Richard Mansell. Written the day and year above said per me Nicholas Rutland, notary public; per me Richard Lang, notary public; Guy Crafford, John Blakesley, by me, William Middleton, per me William Veer, per me Richard Mansell.
This is the last will of me the said Dame Johan Bradbury made in the said second day of March in the said year of our Lord God 1529; and in the said twenty-first year of our Sovereign Lord King Henry VIII containing all such manors lands and tenements which I or any other person or persons have or be seized of to my use. First I will that my Manors of Black Notley, White Notley and Stampton with the appurtenances in the county of Essex and all other my lands and tenements rents reversion and services and other hereditaments whatsoever they be in Black Notley White Notley Stanton Great Leighs Little Leighs etc forested in the same county parcel of which premises I bought of John Fortescue Esquire and Phillips his wife, and other parcels thereof I bought of William Aylnoth of Chelmsford, immediately after my death shall remain to Nicholas Leveson my son in law and to Denys my daughter his wife to be had to them and to their heirs of their two bodies lawfully begotten, and for lack of such issue I will the same manors and other the premises with the appurtenances shall remain to the said Denys and to the heirs of her body lawfully begotten in manner and form as I have made it sure both to them by the law as by a certain indenture dated the eighteenth day of January the twelfth year of the reign of our said Sovereign Lord thereof made between me the said Dame Johanne Bradbury on the one party and the said Nicholas and Denys on the other party plainly it appears, and for as much as Elizabeth Tyrell my daughter since the making of the said indentures is deceased whose soul God pardon I will that for lack of issue of the bodies of the said Nicholas and Denys and for lack of issue of the said Denys that the said Manors and other the premises with the appurtenances shall remain to Humfrey Tyrell son and heir of the said Elizabeth my daughter and to the heirs of the body of the said Humfrey lawfully begotten; and for lack of such issue to remain to Johanne Crafford wife of Guy Crafford and daughter of my son James BODLEY late of Walden deceased to hold to the same Johanne and to the heirs of her body lawfully begotten; and for lack of such issue then I will that all the same manors lands and tenements shall be sold by the minister and wardens of the Company of Mercers of the City of London for the time being and the money thereof coming I bequeath forty pounds to those of the [routine] of the same company, and the residue coming of that sale I will shall be bestowed by them in making of highways in Essex specially in the [xxx] highways there where most need shall be. Also I will that the said Guy Crafford and Johanne his wife shall have the manor of Bawdes in the parish of Wold in Essex and all my lands and rents which were purchased of Sir Thomas Bawde, Knight, to be had to the same Guy and Johanne his wife and to the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten so that the said Guy and Johanne hold them therewith content and at no time after my decease attempt make or procure any business or ruffling by any manner [of] suit in the law or otherwise against my executors or agents any of my kinsfolk or friends who by this my last will or otherwise I have willed given assigned or devised any manors lands tenements or rents for the recovering or obtaining of any of the same manors lands tenements and rents or any part or parcel of the same contrary to this my last will and for lack of such issue of the two bodies of their said Guy and Johanne lawfully begotten I will that the said manor of Bawdes and other the premises by me to the said Guy and Johanne assigned shall remain to the said Johanne and to the heirs of her body lawfully begotten and for lack of such issue or if the said Guy and Johanne or any of them at any time after my decease attempt make or procure any such business or ruffling as is afore rehearsed contrary to this my last will and against my intent and true memory of the same, I will that then my said gift legacy and bequest to them thereof made shall be utterly void and none effect, and I will also that then the said manor of Bawdes and other the premises by me assigned to the said Guy and Johanne shall be sold by my executors or by the executors of the survivor of them, and the money thereof coming to be bestowed in making of highways nigh unto all my lordships in the county of Essex that be of my purchase where as most need shall be after their discretion and that it be done within one year or two years next after the decease of the said Guy and Johanne or of the same Johanne lawfully begotten. ITEM; I will that in convenient haste after my decease my manor of Tendring in West Thurrock in Essex and all my lands and tenements which I late bought of Sir Richard Fitzlowes, Knight, and all my stock of cattle there by my executors and supervisor shall be sold in the best manner wise and for as much money as reasonably may be had for the same, and the money thereof received I will shall go and be applied toward the performance of the bequests in my testament. And if my said son in law Nicholas Leveson be minded to buy the said manor of Tendring and other the premises thereunto belonging I will that then the same Nicholas have the preferment of the sale thereof before any other persons he paying for the same as much money as any other person without fraud or [xxx] will give and pay for the same. Also my will is that every heir male of the body of any such person which shall be inheritable or entitled to any of all the manors lands and tenements before or hereafter expressed by this my last will when he shall come to his full age and have any lands and tenements before of this my last will shall have full power and authority by this my last will to make or cause to be made jointure thereof or any part thereof to such woman or women wife or wives any of them shall happen lawfully to have for term of life of every such woman only and of no further or larger estate. ITEM; I will that my three messuages with their appurtenances at [Pawlbridge in Cornwall] immediately after my decease shall remain to John BODLEY son of my son James to hold to the same John Bodley and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for default of such issue I will that the three messuages with their appurtenances shall be sold by my executors or the executor of the survivor of them in the best wise they can and the money coming of that sale I will they shall bestow in deeds of charity to the health and comfort of my soul my husbands’ souls and all Christian souls. ITEM; I will that immediately after my decease my messuages with the appurtenances lying in the parish of Saint Margaret in Southwark shall remain to Thomas LEVESON son of my said daughter Denys to hold to him and to his heirs upon condition that he and his heirs shall pay out of the same yearly twenty shillings to Elizabeth TYRELL daughter of William TYRELL during her life to be paid quarterly at the four terms in the City of London as well by even portions and where by indenture tripartite indented bearing date the eighteenth day of May in the year of our Lord God [1525] and in the seventeenth year of the reign of our said Sovereign Lord King Henry VIII made between me the said Dame Johanne Bradbury by the name of Dame Johane Bradbury of London widow sister and heir to John LECHE clerk late vicar of Cheping Walden in the County of Essex deceased on the one part and the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the fraternity or guild of the Holy Trinity in the parish church of Walden aforesaid on the second part and the Abbot and convent of the monastery of the same town of Walden on the third part I have given and granted to the said Treasurer and Chamberlains an annual rent of twelve pounds sterling to be issuant provided devised and going out of and in the manor of Willingale Spayne in the said county of Essex whereof the Reverend Father in God Richard Bishop of Norwich and Nicholas Leveson stand and have been seized in their demesne as of feeoffee to the only use of me the said Dame Johanne and to the performance of my last will to have hold and provide the said annual rent of twelve pounds to the said Treasurer and Chamberlains and to their successors for evermore to them to be paid at the said town of Walden yearly and perpetually at two times of the year in manner and form and to the intent and purpose expressed in the said indenture more plainly it is my [xxx] I will that immediately after my decease the said manor of Willingale Spayne with the appurtenances shall remain to the said Nicholas Leveson and Denis his wife to hold to them and to their heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten and for lack of issue I will the said manor with the appurtenances shall remain to the said Denis and to the heirs of her body lawfully begotten and for lack of issue of the bodies of the said Nicholas and Denis and for the lack of issue of the body of the said Denis I will that the manor of Willingale Spayne with the appurtenances shall remain to the said Humfrey Tyrell son of the said Elizabeth my daughter and to the heirs of the body of the same Humfrey Tyrell lawfully begotten and for lack of issue of the said Humfrey to remain to the said Johanne Crafford daughter of my said son James to hold to the same Johanne and to the heirs of her body lawfully begotten and for lack of such issue I will that the said manor of Willingale Spayne with the appurtenances shall remain to the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the said god or fraternity of the Holy Trinity for the time being to hold to them and to their successors forever they doing and performing yearly and perpetually of the issues and revenues thereof coming with all such charges and payments as they have been bound to do specified and expressed in the said indenture tripartite in manner and form as in the same indenture plainly is contained and where I have lately given to George HALL and Mary his wife daughter to William Tyrell and Elizabeth his wife my daughter all the lands and tenements with their appurtenances as well free as copy which I late had in Newport and Wedington in the said county of Essex in which lands and tenements free and copy with the their appurtenances Robert Norwich one of the King’s sergeants at the law John Baldwin Nicholas Leveson and divers others standing and being feeoffed and seized to the use of the said George Hall and Mary his wife and of the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten and for default of such issue to the use of the said Mary and of the heirs of the body of the same Mary lawfully begotten and for default of such issue to the use of the right heirs of me the said Dame Johanne Bradbury thereupon I the same Dame Johanne will by this my present last will that for lack of issue of the bodies of the said George Hall and Mary his wife and for lack of issue of the body of the same Mary all the said lands and tenements with their appurtenances in Newport and Wedington as well free as copy shall remain to Thomas Leveson son of the said Nicholas Leveson and Denis and to the heirs and assigns of the said Thomas Leveson forever. Written the day and year abovesaid these being witnesses Nicholas Rutland Richard Lang notaries public, Guy Crafford, gent, John Blakesley, draper, William Middleton, mercer, William Beer, leather seller, citizens of London and Richard Mansell.
Proved twenty fifth April 1530
[1] Guy Crafford married Johanne Bodley, daughter of James Bodley (who died before this will was written), Dame Johanne Bradbury’s son by her first husband Thomas Bodley.