1659 Dame Elizabeth Lydall


In the name of God Amen; the seventeenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty nine; I Same ELIZABETH LYDALL of the Parish of Saint Andrews Holborne London, widow, although sick in body yet of good and perfect memory, praised be Almighty God therefore, and knowing that I am naturally born and ordained to die and to pass from this mortal world and transitory life minding to put in order all and singular my goods and chattels whatsoever I have and debts whatsoever owing to me as also to declare how I have bestowed them do revoke and renounce all former and other wills and testaments whatsoever heretofore by me made by word writing or otherwise and make and ordain this to be my last will and testament in manner and form following.  First I commend my soul to Almighty God my heavenly Father and to His Son Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer and to the Holy Ghost, three persons and one God by whose mercy and only grace and love I wish to be saved and received into eternal rest through the death of Jesus Christ in whose precious blood I set the whole hope of my salvation most humbly beseeching the most holy and blessed trinity to have mercy on my soul to pardon and forgive me all my sins and offences so that after this mortal life is ended I may be made partaker of immortality and everlasting joy in the Kingdom of Heaven; and my body in hope of a joyful resurrection I commit to the earth to be decently buried in the parish in the which I shall live and be in at my departure to be ordered and disposed by the discretion of my executor and my loving friend Master NICHOLAS LAWRENCE; and it is my most humble request hearty desire and fervent prayer to the King of Heaven and Earth that my loving and good kindred and friends hereafter mentioned would be lpeased to take the care and pains that my dutiful and loving son EDWARD LYDALL may be brought up in some such employment or calling as they should best like and approve of and that my loving cousin EDWARD ONLY of Caresby in the County of Northampton Esq, my very loving cousin Sir WILLIAM SMITH Knight and Baronet, and my loving friend Master JOHN ADLER that they will be loving helpful and assisting to my son Edward upon all occasions and businesses that may make or tend to his promotion and advancement which it shall please God to give and confer on my said son and my will is that my executor so soon as possibly he may and can perform it that he cause to be made and given to my said kindred and best friends as token of our love unto them six gold rings as follows: ITEM; I give and bequeath to my very loving cousin Edward Only aforesaid as a legacy and token of my love one gold ring to be delivered to him by my executor.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to my very loving cousin Sir William Smith aforesaid as a legacy and token of my love one gold ring to be delivered to him by my executor.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to my worthy loving good cousin WILLIAM COTTON in the County of Devonshire Esquire as a legacy and token of my love one gold ring to be delivered to him by my executor praying and humbly beseeching the Almighty Lord that my said cousin may have a special love and a most tender car concerning my dear and loving son Edward Lydall. ITEM; I give and bequeath to my very loving friend Master John Adler as a legacy and token of my love one gold ring to be delivered to him by my executor.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to my very loving friend Master ROGER SMITH as a legacy and token of my love one gold ring to be delivered to him by my executor.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to my very loving friend Master Nicholas Lawrence as a legacy and a token of my love one gold ring to be delivered to him by my executor; and my mind and will is and I do make my dutiful and obedient son Edward Lyddall my full whole and only executor of this my last will and testament for and concerning all my goods chattels [  ] bonds specialties debts and legacies that are arising or due to me from any person whatsoever and every part and parcel of them I do give and bequeath unto my said son Edward. In witness whereof  I have subscribed this my last will with my own hand and seal the day and year first above written – Eliz. Lyddall – sealed and delivered in the presence of us: Mary Hantley, (the mark of) Susanna [Ethel], Nic. Lawrence


Proved 8th August 1659


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