1651 Clement Walker


In the name of God Amen; I CLEMENT WALKER of Charterhouse in the County of Somerset Esquire being sick of body but of good and perfect mind and memory (blessed be God for the same) do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following: Imprimis I commend my soul to God that created it and my body I commend to the earth to be buried after such manner as my executors hereafter named shall think most convenient.  ITEM; I give unto my son PETER WALKER all those my lands tenements and hereditaments rents reversions and securities of what kind or nature so ever they be situate lying and being in Grenwich and Dedford in the County of Kent to have and to hold the said lands and tenements unto my said son Peter Walker his heirs and assigns forever.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my daughter JOANE WALKER one annuity or yearly rent of sixty pounds of good and lawful money of England to be issuing and going out of all that my house granary manor farm land tenement and hereditament situate lying and being at Charterhouse in the County of Somerset to have and to hold the said annuity or yearly rent of sixty pounds unto my said daughter Joane for and during the term of ninety and nine years fully to be complete and ended to be paid at four of the most usual days or feasts in the year that is to say the Birth of our Lord God, The Annunciation of our Blessed Lady, the Feast of St John the Baptist and St Michaell The Archangel by even and equal portions; the first payment to be made at the first of the said feasts which shall first happen after my decease; and if it shall happen the said annuity or yearly rent of sixty pounds or any part thereof to be behind or unpaid by the space of ten days after any of the said days appointed for the payment thereof at or in the Middle Temple Hall in London that then it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Joane Walker her executors and assigns to enter into and upon all and singular my said lands tenements and hereditaments at Charterhouse aforesaid and to distrain and the distress or distresses so to be taken to lead drive carry award and impound and them to detain until she or they be fully satisfied the said rents and the arrearance thereof provided always that if my son WILLIAM WALKER or whomsoever shall happen to have the said lands at Charterhouse shall well and truly satisfy and pay unto my said daughter the sum of one thousand pounds of good and lawful money of England that then the said annuity or yearly rent of sixty pounds shall cease determine and be utterly void to all intents and purposes.  ITEM; I confirm the jointure and settlement made upon my beloved wife.  ITEM; I do constitute and appoint my son William Walker and my loving friends Lawrence Maydwill and Christopher Dodington Esquires executors of this my last will and testament dated and published the sixth day of October in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fifty and one – Cle: Walker – Memorandum that before the publishing hereof I do appoint all my debts to be paid by the moneys raised by the sale of my lands at Charterhouse which I do appoint to be sold by my said executors above named – Cle: Walker – published and signed in the presence of us John Baber, Mary Walker, Henry Wakefield 

Proved 17th December 1651 by William son and executor


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