1592 Humfrye Staverton


In the name of God Amen, the fourteenth day of March in the year of our Lord God one thousand five hundred eighty seven and in the nine and twentieth year of the reign of our sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth etc., I HUMFRYE STAVERTON of Esthamseteed [Easthampstead] in the county of Berks being of good and perfect mind and remembrance laud and thanks be to God therefore do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following first and principally I most humbly commend my soul to the Almighty God my maker the father of heaven and to his only son Jesus Christ my redeemer and saviour by the merits of whose death and passion I trust faithfully to be saved unto the whole mercy I appeal and put all my whole hope and trust in the same.  And I will my body to be buried in Warfield according to the discretion of my overseers hereafter named.  ITEM; I give to the poor people of Warfield  to be divided by the collectors of the same parish ten shillings and to the poor people of Esthamsteed five shillings eight pence to be divided by the collectors of the same parish.  ITEM; I give to those persons that carry my body to the earth to each of them twelve pence I will that my three executors that is to say, my brother THOMAS STAVERTON, my brother WILLIAM STAVERTON, and my brother DEODATUS STAVERTON shall receive my yearly received rents and profits of all my lands in Bray in the county of Berks and make sell the same lands and the money thereof made to be bestowed upon payment of my debts and the overplus towards the advancement of my two daughters that is to say LETTICE and EDETHE.  Also I give to LETTICE my wife my lease of Churchfield and all the residue of my goods unbequeathed and after her decease to the advancement of my two daughters Lettice and Edeth.  Also I give to my daughter MARY twenty pounds to be paid by my wife out of those goods and leases left to her at such time as executors shall call for the same. My overseers namely my nephew RICHARD STAVERTON of Warfield and my brother HENRY STAVERTON to whom I give to my nephew my costlett and pike and to my brother Henry my crossbow and my nightgown at Phillipps the tailor yet unmade.  In witness of this my last will I have set to my hand and seal the day and year above written by me – Humfrye StavertonRichard Staverton Arthur Staverton George Staverton

Memorandum that upon the first day of August AD one thousand five hundred ninety and two Humfrye Staverton of Estamsteede in the county of Berks being of perfect mind and memory gave and bequeathed as follows: viz. ITEM; I give to my daughter EDETHE my lease of Churchfield house and lands.  ITEM; I give to my son in lawJohn Read’s children twenty pounds.

Proved 3rd February 1592/3 by Thomas Staverton executor


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